I just wanna train some. *goes back to training 3Eagles 13 dogs*<br><br><br>That dog in your kennel (the one on the contract Dreamy) is one evil doggie.
<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">xD When I had left there were tons of train-offs going on. I came back expecting the same thing so I could enter some, and there were none!<br><br>I'd have my own if I had any money for prizes xD</span></span></span>
Maybe you could do one that dosen't cost..<br>You know, and then donatoe the dogs to some new people.<br><br>But I don't really know how train offs work
Ya I know.<br><br>There used to be alot when I was a novice.<br><br>Now there none.<br><br>Same I don't have enough money to use for prizes. <br><br>But you could do a train off where there is a small prize but the main prize is that you helper train dogs for a newbie group or something.<br><br>That could work.
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09