The hybrid looks extremely masculine! Are these characters of yours? Well done, as always.
<br><br>;3 Of course he does. ^_^ What a stud, eh? He very well may be a character of mine in the future. I really like the piebald look on wolf-like animals.<br>Thank you. <br><br>
Hybrid: *winks at you* I desire a herem! <br><br><br>XDDD<br><br>I forgot to mention that he's part Seppala Sled Dog and Arctic Wolf. That's why he's piebald. @.@ I just added it up there.
I really like this. The relationship between the two are divine. I love how they relate to each other so well. The pose(s) are awesome and your anatomy is very good. ^___^<br><br>I love your coloring job as well. What program do you use? <br><br><br>As for the characters themselves, they're beautiful and very orrigional. ^__^!!
Staircase from Malleni Stock at DeviantArt