It was filled with action. 0.o I haven't seen the first in years. Everyone kisses Keira though, seems like, eh?<br><br>I know! I was just.. stunned. I mean.. It's like in HP7.. It's a wonder at least one of them didn't.. But just.. Man! Why?
Personally, I didn't like the second one much, but this one really made up for it! I really need to rent it again. I've only seen it once at the theater. I don't remember everything that happened. :x
I have the movie <br><br>You know how after every ten years he gets to go on land?<br><br>It shows Elizabeth with a 10 year old kid waiting at the shores, and then Will comes in on a smaller boat<br><br>I wonder if there's going to be a 4th one
I know, the movie left me feeling like there should be another one. I'm just not sure if there will be one or not... I <span style="font-style:italic">hope</span> so.
I heard that there was going to be ONE more and that was it, sine Keira didn't want to do them anymore <span style="font-size:59">Don't quote me, it's just what I heard. </span> :P
That's what I heard too, Fire.<br><br>I want there to be another one!<br><br>It was so sad when Will died... I got it for Christmas and I watched it. I like one the best of all of them though.
I loved the third one, Jack was just so off-kilter. Plus there were those excellent exchanges between Jack and Barbossa...too funny.<br><br>As for a 4th one I wouldn't count on it. Terry Rossio (one of the screenwriters) said that there would <span style="text-decoration:underline">not</span> be a 4th movie unless there was a story that <span style="font-style:italic">had</span> to be told. As far as I know, he and Ted have not come across such a story yet. Thank goodness they (the production crew) have the respect for the franchise to not over-do it and keep making movies just because it's good money or Jack is a fun character. If there's not a solid story beneath it all, making another could simply ruin Pirates. So, imo, it's fine for them to just leave it as a trilogy. Yes, we're left wondering about the characters, but I think that's part of the magic - it's not a cut and dried end; it leaves things open for fans to explore countless scenarios in their minds.<br><br>:)
It was hilarious. I cracked up numerous times. Jack in the locker.. Jack with the telescope incident. So and so. ^_^ <br><br>I really enjoyed the part with Becket(however you spell his name >.>)<br><br>You're Mad!<br><br>Thank God, or else this would never work!<br><br><br>And that, was without any rum!
I really hope so!!<br><br><br>(I love the first and second banners, Fire!! Especially the first.)
<br><br>Thanks. ^^<br><br><br>I really hated the second movie... The first was great, hated the second, and the third was funny, but not great. I dunno. I just didn't like how they ended it with Will and Elizabeth (I'm a closet-case romantic. ^^).<br><br>If they ever do make another one, then I hope that that will just be the end of it. Otherwise, it would be waaay over-done or something.
<br><br>Lol, I got some inflatible tubes that you hit together to make noise, so my friend and I were running around pretending to sword fight with them and every time we "stabbed" eachother we said "My peanut." We did that for like 20 minutes and everyone was just staring at us like O.o<br><br>But yeah I couldn't believe Will died either, must admit it was a nice twist. After seeing the end after the credits, I thought it tied the whole story off pretty good. <br><br>We were studying the Odyssy in English and I didn't know that Calypso was actually concedierd a goddess, I just thought she was created for the movie :oops:
I never really liked the second movie, but the third one was excellent.<br>of course the first one was the best, imo. xD<br><br>but, so Will just goes off and leaves? I thought he just sailed the seas at night and came back in the morning xD hehe. Oh well, some movies I don't understand that well, especially this one. I had to watch it three times. It's like a book you don't understand, just read it again.
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09
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I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09