I can't make borders on GIMP. It doesn't like for me to. So.. No border. But this was made for the Rall-cess. My nicky for dem. <br><br>Dark because they like it. Colors because they like dem.<br><br><img src="http://i10.tinypic.com/8a50a3s.png" alt="http://i10.tinypic.com/8a50a3s.png" class="bb-image" />
Chuckles. I wish I could too. I played with effects. If my banners are any good, that's how. ^-^<br><br>I made a black backround..<br>used a maroon red for the blood brushes I downloaded.<br>Then I duplicated the layer, gaussion blur(set on 5.0)<br>Then I went to my layers dialouge, and set to overlay or something. <br><br>There's my backround!
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel