WELL... As a lot of people see... With Eescue Kennels, a lot of people have REDICULOUS names for their dogs... I've rescued TONS of dogs with the name "Pee-Pee"... And stuff similar to that... Also with all the symbols such as; "...........name here9992fgdssfgds", etc. it gets really annoying.<br><br>Would it be possible to have "Unname Buttons" for rescued dogs in a Rescue Kennel, that way they'd have a better chance of being rescued...? I mean... I would purchase a dog with a long excessive name, with or without good stats, trained or not, etc.<br><br>So, maybe if Rescue Kennels could have these "Unname Buttons" on the rescued dogs, it'd be easier to adopt them out and everything.
If you've ordered anything, please be patient with me. Having volcano/ash troubles. Msg me for more info, and I'll get back to you asap!! Thankies!!