Would anyone be interested in a Happiny? I know they're nothing too special but it hatched from my egg and I don't want to release it, or just have it sit in my PC. <br><br>Happiny's Details:<br><br>Gender: Female (of course)<br>Level: 1 (untouched)<br>Attacks: Pound, Charm<br>Nature: Lax<br>Favorite Food: Sour<br>Ability: Natural Cure (All status problems are healed upon switching out)<br>Evolution: Chansey, then Blissy<br>Other: Quick Tempered<br><br>Stats:<br><br>Attack: 5<br>Defense: 5<br>Special Attack: 5<br>Special Defense: 5<br>Speed: 5<br><br>*Happiny will allow you to enter the Stroll area in Hearthome town. You can find some TMs and such there*<br><br>If you are, post here with offers. I'm not expecting anything too big, but offer away XD You'll haveta be able to use Wi-Fi to trade. I'll PM you my friend code and how to use Wi-Fi if you haven't before if I accept your offer.

Also, if the offer is what I consider really good, I'll make her hold an oval stone so that you can evolve her when she likes you (if items can go through trades, I haven't tried it in this game).<br><br>These are the Pokes I have in my party, I don't want doubles.<br><br>Torterra, Charizard, Espeon, Umbreon, Floatzel, Raichu.