I got some good markers for Christmas (yay!) and I feel like doing some arts for the public, but I'm also broke xP so heres your chance to get some art from me ^.^<br><br> examples (the first 3 deviations are the style im using) <a href="
http://jasper899.deviantart.com/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://jasper899.deviantart.com/</a><br><br>SB: 100k<br>MBI: 100k<br>BIN: 10mill<br>HB: none right now.<br><br>If you need to know anything else please feel free to ask me. Thanks

<br><br>I want this auction to go fast because when I go back to school I won't have time to draw sadly. So bid bid bid :twisted:

Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
Doing Banners/Manips message me if interested
Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.