my horse is dieing she cant stand<br><br>i cant stop crying<br><br>piccies:<br><a href="" target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br><br><br>we ended up putting her down<br>now i am worried about our other horse gina gina hasnt moved from her spot since 8 this morning she's just standing by the gate looking down at the fields<br><br><br><br>r.i.p Sunny<br>december 23 2007<br><br>(yes she did die today but i knew she was gone yesterday )
<span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">Aww, I'm sorry Wheatie =(<br><br>Get off the computer and go be with her. She'll be in a better place</span></span></span>
I'm sorry, Wheatie. We lost our little Welsh pony on the 4th of July a few years back. She was around 34 years old. Pure many people grew up riding her. ;-;<br><br>Has she been seen by a vet?
Sorry to hear about her again Wheatie. Your other horse is probably grieving just like you are my cousins horse(s) and all the other ones out at the barn where silent and just standing there looking really sad.
I'm so sorry. <br>My dog may have a brain tumor and I'm dreading what may end up happening. She's getting progressively worse every month, seizuring all the time. If she ever gets to the point of being in pain, we'll have to put her down as well.
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