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Merry Christmas-Free Manips

*nods* I need practice. I'll make a base, show it to you, and if you want it on multiple dogs, tell me their names. ^^ I'm that giving *chuckles*<br><br>
<span style="font-weight:bold">Backround:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Breed/Species:</span> <br><span style="font-weight:bold">Theme/Style:</span>
<br><br>Theme thing is like sad, happy whatever. XP<br><br>More than one you say?<br><br>You may have another if wished, but you have to wait for five other people to order. AFTER I finish yours. :wink: <br><br>You<br>nsd<br>niosd<br>fnesio<br>dsnifo<br>nfskd


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