we ish trying to train kimmy here is said convo<br><br>[20:42] <KimYo> I like tater tots! huh huh!<br>[20:42] <Wheaty> kimmy sit!<br>[20:42] <KimYo> *pees on Wheaty's lap*<br>[20:42] * Wheaty grabs kimmy's collar and tugs around room*<br>[20:42] <DarknessLies> See, Nelly, we've been trying to train Kim.<br>[20:43] <Chanel-Training> Do I have to get out the newspaper?<br>[20:43] <Wheaty> you might need too XD<br>[20:44] <Wheaty> *pulls out newpaper*<br>[20:45] <Wheaty> Sit kimmy and you'll get a cookie!<br>[20:45] <KimYo> o.o<br>[20:45] <KimYo> *poops on cookie*<br>[20:46] <Wheaty> kimmy sit and i wont eat you<br>[20:47] <KimYo> *sleeps in Wheaty's spleen*<br>[20:47] <Chanel-Training> Sit... And I wont thwack you with a rotten moose leg either,.<br>[20:48] <Wheaty> SIT!<br>[20:48] <Wheaty> ill try useing a clicker *pulls out clicker*<br>[20:49] <KimYo> *puts leg up*<br>[20:49] <Chanel-Training> lmao<br>[20:49] <Wheaty> sit kimmy sit
<br>[20:50] <KimYo> *sits*<br>[20:50] <Wheaty> kimmy get nelly go get nelly kimmy!<br>[20:50] <KimYo> *poops on ground*<br>[20:53] <Wheaty> kimmy lay down!