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Starting Fresh

I'm looking to start anew. A new breed, a potential partner, the whole shebang. I'm needing suggestions for breeds and interested partners. You must have a sponsor account.


  • you could help me with Icelandic Sheepdogs.
  • Ooh. I would be. New breeds =Love. Hehe<br><br>I have 7 imports for White wolves<br>16 for Irish Wolfhounds<br>8 for Briards<br>16 for Xolos<br>2 for dachs<br>Hehe. And those are just the unstarted ones.
  • Im always available for a partner ^.-<br><br>I have:<br>- 20 unmade imports available.<br>- Sponsor Training Kennel<br>- Sponsor Breeding Kennel<br>- Tons of already made imports waiting to be trained/worked on(can provide a list if you'd like)<br>- Experience Working with lines (can provide links to some of my lines if needed)<br><br>As far as breeds you'd want to work on, what kinds of breeds are you interested in?
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I'll be PMing the chosen partner. ^^
  • I Am looking for a partner for my line of shiba inus they are at 3-4x4 and are only the pups of imports
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