Instead of having to make a bunch of kennels, wouldn't it be easier to make drop down boxes for the different dogs of the same breed?<br>Novices could still only keep 20 dogs per kennel and sponsors as many as they want, however all the dogs of the same breed would be under one section.<br><br>It's a bit annoying to have to flip back 100 pages of dogs to find breeds that are mixed up. It's difficult to have patience in that situation.<br><br>My Example:<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Timber Wolf</span><br>
Dog Name Sex Age For Sale<br> Dog Name Sex Age For Sale<br></ul><br><br>Only it's a dop down box.<br><br><br><br>UPDATE:<br><br>I think this will help novices and sponsors keep from making illegal kennels as well. <br><br>I don't have illegal kennels, but every new breed I want to get involved in has to have a new kennel because that's the only way to organize the anmals.
Semper Fi.