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Rescue Kennel

edited December 2007 in Game Suggestions
After rescuing tons of dogs i find myself in debt with all the healing so i thought of this:<br><br>What if when we rescue a dog or few we recieve the money in the kennel as a donation, and that way you wont have as much money floating around in abandoned kennel<br><br>I also think this would encourage people to have more rescue centers, possibly even more people to buy sponsors<br><br>Anyone Like or have an opinion on this??



  • ya i agree with that
  • I'm sort of iffy on it..<br><br>True, it'd help with the costs, but let's just say, for example you found 20 kennels with 400k in each one. You rescue all of the dogs and you get the playcash. So you make 8 mil. Well, lets say that you're only in it for the playcash, which most people would be if they got paid to rescue dogs. You could easily just return all of the dogs to the kennel that you rescued them from, so you would make -insert playcash amount- for no real reason.<br><br><br>As for healing, it's free if you do it while the dog is in the rescue part of the kennel. After you take it out of that part though, it does cost you, but it's not like a major expense. If it is a major expense to you, because it does add up, then just take care of it before you move it into your kennel.<br><br><br>Even then, healing a dog only costs (if I remember correctly) 1.5k, so 100 dogs would only cost 150k. It shouldn't be a budget-breaker. Training for the rescue dogs, on the other hand, costs lots, but you aren't required to have the dog trained, and nobody should be rewarded for that. I know you didn't mention training, just covering the bases.<br><br><br>Maybe if it were like, for every dog you rescue out of a kennel they lose 2k, unless the kennel is cleaned out (playcash at 0), otherwise it'd just make a bunch of kennels with negative amounts. And if you return a dog to the kennel it was rescued from, possibly have a little flag or icon that says it's been rescued but then returned - and playcash will not be awarded to anyone who rescues them.
    On an indefinite hiatus.
  • ya you shouldnt get all of it ... maybe up to 25k a kennel
  • Well sure it would get us money, but we get enough from people buying them.I have over 1 million in my rescue from 20k just from selling them. And people would be in it just for the money probably them so disagree.
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