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Bird People?

edited December 2007 in General Discussion
Just wondering if you guys clip flight feathers? I also wanted to know if I should cut my keets' nails?<br>I don't know, they seem a little long. :? <br>And I would luff to have a bird conversation with some people.<br>Anyone have any pictures of theirs?? *Scampers off to find hers*
topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*


  • Yay, a place to discuss poo xD <br><br>I don't know about the nails, I've been thinking my birds ones might need trimming but I think I'm being paranoid because the live in an aviary most of the time and have plenty of branches to wear them down. <br><br>As for wing clipping, about 2 years ago I took my cockatiel Ollie to the vet to have his wings clipped but ended up in tears and couldn't do it. I guess it depends on the birds lifestyle. Do you keep yours in an aviary or somewhere they can fly most of the day? If you do I wouldn't get them clipped. If they're in a small cage most of the time and you only get them out fo play with then I'm guessing they don't do much flying anyway. I don't really know much about it, but no, I don't get my birds clipped :) <br><br>I'll have to find the pictures of my babies some time ^_^
  • When I had budgies I had their wings clipped at first. Then some of the birds started bleeding from the wing area so I stopped getting them clipped and the problem stopped :P The birds were also happier when they got some free flight time out of the cage, just cover mirrors and windows with towels and don't have them loose near any open doors or windows :P<br><br>As for the nails, I never clipped mine, but I used sandpaper covers on some of the perches to help wear the nails down. Nail can get too long, but there is a risk in cutting them because you can hit the quick. Since most birds are quite small it doesn't take losing a large amount of blood to be hazardous to their health.<br><br>It's been awhile since I've had birds, I miss them :P
  • <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-size:150">I've got a cockatiel, I used to have his wings clipped but don't anymore. Coz he hardly ever comes outta his cage anymore anyway. He used to just climb out and sit on the top of the cage and he never really got the hang of flying.<br><br>Having the wings clipped is a good idea if you're going to let them out a lot, simply for the ease of catching them again, they have a habit of flying up high where you can't reach. <br>But also it means everytime they try to fly they won't be able to gain any height, and in the case of my bird he used to land in the middle of the floor puffing and panting (i'm assuming it was frustrating for him).<br><br>I suppose it's personal choice.<br>I don't have my birds wings clipped anymore just because I think it looks weird. :lol: <br><br>Hope that helps</span></span>
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • I am not planning on clipping any wongs, even if it is frustrating to catch them. I think they deserve the freedom of wings, and I enjoy watching them fly. That is my personal opinion about feather clipping (and it does look weird lol)<br>As for the nails, I heard sandpaper does the trick, but it can scrape the bottom of their feet, and sometimes cause them pain and bleeding. So I don't know if I want to use that.<br>My 3 live in a parrot cage. So it is large enough for them to fly, but I let them out once or twice weekly for 30 mis or so to fly about. <br>They enjoy it and it is fun time to connect with them.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • I've heard birds live longer when their wings aren't clipped.. makes sense too. They get more exercise when their wings aren't clip, they can fly around the whole room.<br><br>If you want to cut your Budgie's nails you can get some special clippers from a pet store or you could use regular finger nail clippers. Never, ever use that sandpaper crap that wraps around the perches. It just kills their feet.. How would you like to stand on sandpaper all day? :P Just be extremely careful a little bleeding on a Budgie can kill it since they're so tiny. Just clip the vey tip off of the curved part of the nail.. If the bird does start to bleed dip the toenail in some flour, or if you have styptic powder use that. <br><br>I have 3 cockatiels and 15 budgies. My oldest Cockatiel is 17 years old, my oldest Budgie is 7 -1/2, so if you ever have problems or questions feel free to PM me. :D<br><br>Good luck! Would love to see pictures of your baby!
  • I clip their wings for their safety.. My tiels aren't very tame, as they weren't handled the first 5-7 years of their life. I just make their life more pleasant.. I have some stuff that at some point, I'm making an aviary for them and of course, won't clip their wings in that case.<br><br>Ray's vet told us how though. If you ever need info, let me know.<br><br>I don't know about nails.. I know we have certain ladders with a certain substance that grazes down their nails and things, you may want to think about getting one of them.<br><br>Hehe. I'm considering putting all my birds pics up! :D
  • :shock: <br><br>You have more than enough info now. XD <br>But I'll post anyway. ^_^ <br><br>I own two birds... they're both cockatiels and they're both crazy. I've never clipped my birds’ wings or nails. I let them out of the cage every day and they fly everywhere... <span style="font-size:75">(onto the floor, onto tables…on the fridge…curtain hangers…etc. -.-)</span> <br>I then proceed to put them back onto their cage <span style="font-size:75">(out of the way)</span>...where they then repeat flying off. They try to destroy things <span style="font-size:75">(aka non-harmful plants)</span> with their horrid little beaks before I move them. This is an on going thing for them. They usually do remain on top of their cage more than anywhere… And they do a lot more walking than flying too… that may be just my birds though. X3<br><br>I've never covered a window or mirror and so far they haven't flown into or out one <span style="font-size:75">(I do keep screens on my window so that could be it XD)</span> since I've had them but then, that may be because they've learned early in life that they cannot fly through them <span style="font-size:75">(or around them...or onto them)</span>. <br><span style="font-size:75">Yes! I admit! My birds, when I first got each of them and they were learning their surroundings and how to fly did fly into things (mirrors, windows)...what better way to learn then to nearly break your neck finding out the hard way?</span><br>Believe me when I say they avoid mirrors and windows when they see them while flying now. <span style="font-size:75">(They instead aim for people's heads...)<br></span><br>THAT way can be traumatizing for both the animal and owner so if you don't want to deal with them learning the hard way, I suggest you do what Zoe said and cover clear and large reflecting objects up. ;3<br><br>For the nails, they do have special bars you can buy to keep the nails trim, I've never bought these bars..but birds nails never seem to grow... amazing that. XD I think they trim their own nails or something... Now that I look at them...the older one's nails aren't long but the younger one's are... maybe I should buy some of these bars for her.. :`<br><br>Pictures?<br><a href=" Pictures/PinkeyBandana2.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Pinkey</a><br><a href=" Pictures/Image005.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Pinkey</a><br><a href=" Pictures/SL380083-1.png&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Pinkey</a><br><br><a href=" Pictures/KissyBow.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Kissy</a><br><a href=" Pictures/hghg.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Kissy</a><br><a href=" Drawings/SL380093.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Kissy</a><br><br><a href=" Pictures/KissyPinkeydrk4.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Both</a><br><a href=" Pictures/KissyPinkeydrk2.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Both</a><br><a href=" Pictures/KissyPinkeyPah.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Both</a><br><a href=" Pictures/PaintingAgain.jpg&quot; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Both</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Both</a><br><br>lmao, there's some. XD I posted them from oldest to newest. XD<br><span style="font-size:75">For the very last and my sister are the only two that can point out which bird is which without words. XD</span>
  • Hehe Koshi they sound cute :3 My cockatiel is tame but he lives in an aviary outside with an untame Kakariki I bought around a year and a half ago. They get along pretty well considering they're both boys x) So, Ollie (the cockatiel) comes inside in a little bird cage at night time but pretty much comes straight out the little cage to play for a few hours before he goes to sleep. We covered windows and other stuff for the first few months after we got him, but he was inside and flying around every day and it was just too much hastle. He learnt pretty quickly that you can't fly through windows and he absolutely loves mirrors :P He'll often take off and try to get into the kitchen when my dad's in there because he likes to look at himself in any kin of reflective surface xD <br><br>We ordered a new aviary from Bunnings a few weeks ago so we could attach it to the one we've already got but they stuffed up our order and we have to wait a few extra weeks >.< Hopefully it gets here soon, I get big kicks from seeing my birds happy x)
  • You are so dern lucky...<br>Once I move out I'm going to try to find a place where I can build a bird aviary... Those are so cool and I'm a sucker for happy birds too. XD <br>It'll be a while before that'll ever happen though... <br><br>Birds = <3
  • hah. My birds never seem to understand that windows are not for flying into... :roll: <br>And mirrors are not for pooing on. And hair is not for eating. I can only wish I had an aviary for mine... Byy the way moss, just in case you are interested, Ollie (the name) means Elf army :D And Koshi, your birds are adorable. And I did not make this post for Info, it was just like a mini bird discussion area :D<br>Do your dogs try to play with your birds? Or is it just mine.... ?<br>Anyways back on topic My one birds; Storm, Got all vicious, because I don't really know, I handled her too much or something. But her colouration (is that a word?) makes her loo like a fluffy snowy owl, and I love her even though she tries to rip me hands off! Olive is my friendliest one, and he luffles me. Though a lot of the time he nibbles on my finger. Even if he tries to bite (to copy storm) It never really turns out a bite, more of a nibble lick (they have crazy dry tongues though!)<br>And my little Willow... The last one I got, is a little skitterish loving girl. Thouigh she is terrified of storm. She will sit on my finger, and clings as if her life depends on it (even though she can fly :lol: )<br><br>You guys don't care, so I will be posting some pics :D<br><br>Storm And Willow:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Just Storm:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Olive <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Willow:<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /> Olive is the green, Willow is the Yellow, and Storm is my white one.<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>And This one is cute with my Little Olive peeking through the bars. He is totally like "What is that huge grey thing doing here?"<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>The reason they were all at the back was because they were afraid of the camera :D So Willow is Hiding and Olive is getting super close to the both of them.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Aw, your birds are gorgeous Leaf, I think i've seen pictures of them before <3 <br><br>Here's Ollie in a not so spectacular photo <br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>And Rico in a very cute photo ^.^<br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>I'm thinking of getting a Bourke's Parakeet hen once our aviary is extended, apparently they get along well with cockatiels and I want to get a friend for the boys without a risk of babies :)
  • I don't know if you read my post moss, but if you are interested what-so-ever. Ollie (the name of one of your birds) means Elf Army. XD<br>Thanks for the compliment, and I love your birds! What kind is Rico?<br>If you told me I would remember, it is on the tip of my tongue, just not coming off...
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Thank you and you alls birds are too adorable. I just wanna squish'em! XD <br>You do NOT want to start up a post where I can go on and on about bird stories... I will bore you all to death. XD <br><br>Nice butt shot btw, Mossflower. ;P <br>Oo! I'ma try to get some good pictures of them taking a shower--well, Kissy taking a shower...Pinkey doesn't like taking them that much...she'd rather try walking on Kissy's wings. ^_^
  • *giggles*<br><br>Thanks Koshi x3 Ooh, Leafy I have to say I didn't know that =D I'll tell him ^_^ Rico is a Kakariki, they're a New Zealand bird :P <br><br>It's funny, Ollie hates baths but will shower himself when it rains. Rico loves baths but isn't really interested in the rain :3 I have some good action shots of Rico taking a bath, I'll see if I can find them ^___^
  • Storm is the only one in my bird family who totally understands how (and the purpose) <br>Olive think bathwater is for dipping your nose in to choke yourself. (And Willow is the same)<br>And Olive will hop in the water bolw, then hop out again. And Then Storm, she will take a real bath :D
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Oo! Do you all have any flight pictures? I've tried (and failed) to take some pictures of my birds flying...but they wont keep their dern wings still and they end up messing them up... You all have any luck with that? >.0 <br><br>Oo! I love bath-time with birds. XD <br>I just got done taking some pictures of Kissy bathing...I have to say one is the most horrid looking picture I've ever taken before in my life of him. XD He looks diseased and everything... <br><br>Topleaf...I have never in my life seen a bird choke on water before. XD How in the world is that possible? <br><br>I think my birds are afraid of rain water.... XD
  • huh. You think you have seen everything until this :roll: <br>The way they choke, is the stick their cere (noses) in to drink, and they keep it there, and when they come back up it goes into there nose and all you can hear is them sneezing and coughing.<br><br> And Yes I have tried and failed to take pictures of my birds in flight. It ends up me taking a picture of the wall because my camera is so slow, and they are so fast.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Before the Shower: <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">Before</a><br><br>During the Shower: <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">During</a> < =<span style="font-size:75"> You can see Pinkey waaay in back. XD</span><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">During</a><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">The Ugliest Picture...</a><br><br>After the Shower: <br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">After</a><br><br><span style="font-size:75">Pst. Topleaf, you have any bath-time pictures? ;3</span><br><br>Mossflower, what do you do when it's snow outside? o.0 Like during the winter? Or when it's like...really really really hot outside? XD Do you have a place to bring your birds inside your house?
  • Aww, he looks so scrappy and floofy. He does look a bit deranged, but in a cute way ^.^
  • Hehe. Mare is my Luff. I seriously wanted to name her Loko. But my mom wouldn't let me. She is a butt. She'll be on her perch and then will look down and down until she's upside down.. And freak out. Then get back up and do it again. ^^ She's an amusing bird.<br><br>Ray's my luff. I say cage time! When he's out.. And then he'll fly to the floor(off my shoulder) and climb a blanket I have under the cage that droops down. And stand on the cage until I get him in. :D
  • aww. I actually don't have bath pictures yet. But I will try for them today. <br>Koshi; what you said was the ugliest pic was by far the cutest!!! <span style="font-size:59">aside from before the bath!</span>
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • ~Topleaf~ wrote:
    aww. I actually don't have bath pictures yet. But I will try for them today. <br>Koshi; what you said was the ugliest pic was by far the cutest!!! <span style="font-size:59">aside from before the bath!</span>
    <br><br>If you go for that "Wet Mop" look that's all on you. ;P <br>I stared at it for a good minute and I still think it sucks but then...I am strange so it could be just me... XD<br><br>Omg! Dreamland your story reminds me of the times Pinkey would be sitting on her swing and then start looking down (for NO apparent reason)...angling her body to also come down slowly...before she falls off entirely. XD And it's not a short fall...the new cage I bought them is like....5 feet high. So she just goes *Plop* and the next thing you see is her head peaking over the cage floor guard thingy, looking all confused as to how she got on the floor. XD The interesting thing is....she'll do it again with the same results.... <br><br>Alright! Pinkey story done for the day. XD <br><br>I wonder...why do I call taking my birds a shower "Bath"-time? I think it should be called Shower-time for me. ;3
  • hah. One of my perches was not secured properly once. So Olive goes and sits on it. Then Willow decides she wants to sit on that same perch, and it tips so Olive is facing downards. After he gets over his confusion, he flips himself back over until Willow is upside down. It keeps going like that for awhile until Willow deicdes to change perches and I fix it. It was quite funny though.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • I used to have a love bird named lola. But sadly she died before she was a year old. My sister, mom, and me came inside for the night and lifted the cover on my birds cage. Lola was lying at the bottom with her wing stuck between the bars of trhe cage. :(
  • LMBO! Hehe. We've been having trouble with money since the robbery.. and with holidays and whatnot coming.. We'd be even shorter.. So I gave two of my birds away(meh, my mom volunteered them. :[)<br><br>They were cool.. But.. XP<br><br><3 Birds can have such big personalitys.<br><br>I personally.. Don't love the grey tiel look.. Just seems common. I like the white/grey look.. Hehe.
  • Dreamland, I know what you mean about common greys. <br>I look at my birds (which are common greys) and think, "There is nothing special about my birds...they're so plain, why couldn't "I" have gotten a pie or something...<span style="font-style:italic">cute</span>?" <br>...then Kissy looks at me and Pinkey nibbles on my nose and hair and I realize they have their own beauty and, even though they aren't beautiful piebalds or some other type of non-common colored cockatiel, I wouldn't trade them for the world. ;3
  • I find Them adorable, no matter what they look like :lol: <br>I personally love the little yellow feathers sticking up from their heads, and it reacts like ears in a way, they move it up and down in hapiness kind of like dogs with their ears. '<br>My birds only wish they had that hehe.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • I don't hold it against them! I have one and he is so sweet!<br><br>See? <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 006003.jpg</a><br><br>Here's Divebomb herself<br><br>Mare: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"> ... 006004.jpg</a>
  • aww those are adorable!
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Rofl, that one of Mare is brilliant Dreamy :D
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