What do you mean "against"? Its a game therefore competition is going to obviously be part of it meaning that you want to be better cheaper whatever to get the business you need to keep going.<br><br>If you mean putting mean/rude stuff on your kennel page about others that would lean towards the harass/embarress thing which is against the rules. Go here to read them all: <a href="http://www.virtualpups.com/tos.php" target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://www.virtualpups.com/tos.php</a>
i mean telling other people not to use your services because you didn't do the service 'right' that they had you do. i trained someones dog and the loyalty came out lower than they wanted (it was still at 535, so i don't see the big deal) and now they have me on their "these players either don't know what they are doing or are a scammer" list on there layout. (the person tried to demand their money back and i said no)
first to train and breed Plagued Poodles. reached 2x4 in first breeding, need more imports in order to carry on lines
I agree with Sweetwolf. In my opinion, that would be in violation of the rules.<br>If you pm me with a link, I will discuss it with them <br><br>~VooDoo