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Tips for happy posting***

edited December 2007 in Artist Alley
<span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkblue">As i said before.<br>I think art should be art.Critiques.And showing other what youve made and how you made it.<br>without the fights.<br>so here are SIMPLE way to prevent breakouts.</span></span><br><br><span style="font-size:75">1. If you dont want critiques. say so in <span style="font-weight:bold">BOLD</span> letters and make it noticeable.<br><br>2. If someone critiques someone you said not to, quote where you stated you dont want critiques. and dont be rude about it.<br><br>3. If you ask for critiques. take everyones opionion as an OPIONION.<br>its not nessicarily how everyone thinks, just something someone think may help improve your work.<br><br>4. If someone leaves you a rude critique(saying your art just donw right stinks) and doesnt give you a way to help. tell them nicely that it offended you.<br><br>5. If you see a post where people are arguing, report it to an OP, and dont get into it yourself. trust me VP has a wonderful staff and theyd gladly lock the post.<br><br>6. If <span style="font-style:italic">you</span> think someone else's art stinks, dont tell them that you hate it. it may hurt their feelings. Tell them how to improve(trust me everyone WILL improve with practice) and leave them helpful sites.<br><br>7. If you remember, it just art, youll realise how pathetic these fights are.<br><br>8. If someone posts something about an srt service, most likely theyre not looking for critiques. so i suggest not critiqueing art theyre selling.<br><br>9. If you <span style="font-weight:bold">want</span> crtitiques state so in the subject of your post. and be open to all critiques/suggestions/opinions.<br><br>10. If your looking for someone to tell you how to improve, put that in your post. VP has tons of great artists that would love to help you</span><br><span style="font-weight:bold">ABOVE ALL RELAX. its just a game. and just art.</span><br><br><br>I hope this helped. and i hope people really DO consider these things before they post:]



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