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oh no, Phoebe is sick...

edited December 2007 in General Discussion
My westie; Phoebe is sick. Yesterday my aunt found blood in her pee. And we took her to the vet today. She was all depresed, sick and was not eating or drinking. So we went to the vet, they gave us some anti-biotic (sp?)<br>Aaanyways she is... (as I am happy to repot) Doing very well. We fed her pills in her favourite food. But she will need to go in tomorrow or the day after for an x-ray and more checkups. They think she might have stones or some infection. I am worried. But I am hoping she will get better. Her most recent pee has been yellow and not the brownish red it has been lately, and I think the pills are working. She is happier. <br><br>Has anyone else ever experienced this with there dogs? If so I would be happy to here from you. Through PM or post. <br>Please only <span style="font-weight:bold">happy</span> thoughts are needed at this time.
topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*


  • I saw something exactly like this on TV, with 3 Mini Schnauzers. For them, it was stones. They were surgically removed and they made complete recoveries ^^
  • It is always good when they get better.<br>I hope the best for her and you.<br>And I hope she makes a complete recover!<br>:D
  • Yeah. The person at the vet said she had a dog that had to have an operation. I hope that isn't the case for my girl... She would hate it. :( <br>We are trying to get a pee sample from her. But every time it is only one of those "Drip a smidgen of my pee to mark my territory" pees. <br>AAAAANNNNND every time we have the slightest bit of success in gathering her pee, there is a clump of snow...And the vet doesn't want that because it is "Diluted"<br>So Right now I look like a maniac following my dog around with a bed pan thingy. :roll: What we do for our dogs.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Doodle_Bug wrote:
    It is always good when they get better.<br>I hope the best for her and you.<br>And I hope she makes a complete recover!<br>:D
    <br>Thank you doodle.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Man that really sucks.<br>I wouldnt like running around trying to catch dog pee in the snow either.<br>0.o<br>I would just sit her over a jar till she finally went hehe..
  • yeah.. You would think. But for seven years my dog has been taught that it is wrong to pee in the house, and so she would hold it in till she blew up. Then if I went outside and waited; she would look at me like I was a weirdo, meanwhile my fingertips turn to icecubes.<br>It is not as easy as that doodle lol
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • Haha everytime I take my dog out I go barefoot!<br>And my mom makes me stay outside atleast five minutes so she has time<br>to go... And I am like "Honey!" GO POTTY!<br>but yeah... That sucks. Your dog is probbably like can i have some privacy<br>please?
  • Do dogs get urinary track infections? <br><br>My oldest cat, Madeline, gets them. She's had 4 or so. She's 6-7. So.. it's not the greatest, eh? She was only supposed to eat wet food, but she's picky and wouldn't eat and lost weight so we gave her dry food to that's 'anti-urinary track'. She's only had one since. She peed on me. ><<br><br>But she's obviously healed every time. :)
  • Dreamland wrote:
    Do dogs get urinary track infections? <br><br>My oldest cat, Madeline, gets them. She's had 4 or so. She's 6-7. So.. it's not the greatest, eh? She was only supposed to eat wet food, but she's picky and wouldn't eat and lost weight so we gave her dry food to that's 'anti-urinary track'. She's only had one since. She peed on me. ><<br><br>But she's obviously healed every time. :)
    <br><br>Yeah. They think that it might be a urinary infection. One anywhere in her lower body area. Liek abdomen and such. The anti-biotics are supposed to help with that. So I am hoping she is healed. We will have to see when the x-ray comes through. :D
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • I wish you luck. Maddy, like I said, gets them alot. She was abused.. but that doesn't have anything to do with it, eh? ><<br><br>Lily's sick too. Poor animals. ;-;
  • nope. We don't abuse her. And we got her from a reputable breeder, and we checked them out and everything.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • No, I wasn't accusing you! Maddy was abused! That's why she only has a stump for a tail! >< I was saying that's not why she has it.
  • Oh, lol. I was a little confused lol.
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
  • *nods* Tis ok. I was worried you thought I said you'd abused her :shock:
  • hehe. No offense taken :wink:
    topleaf-1.pngleafyegg.gif<-Lenny *hugs lolo*
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