Over the past months, ops, players and I have been discussing the issue with Sweetwolf's Layout appering on my account that appered to be stolen. I've gone through ban after ban... and after being tangled up in my own mess, we found out what happened...<br>Well, I found out that in September I won a trivia contest that was put on by a novice, and they gave me the layout that everyone thinks i've stolen. It came with no banners, or copyrights, but I thought it was good. I was told that it was not stolen, that they made it, and I could have distributed it under my name.<br><br>Here is a letter to explain this a little better:<img src="
http://i17.tinypic.com/6jnalvn.jpg" alt="
http://i17.tinypic.com/6jnalvn.jpg" class="bb-image" /> I'm sorry for any inconvience that this has put forward, with me lying to people... about me creating the coding.
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