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I'm gonna go insane...

Okay. I've just about had it with Sysco.<br><br>1) He won't stop barking. Mom says to yell at him when he doesn't do anything unless she or dad does it. He ignores me, or thinks I'm praising him and he gets all excited...? We can't afford special collars or anything to make him stop. And he likes getting sprayed with water. He thinks its a game, and tries to bite the mist.<br><br>2) If that food bowl is empty for even .3 seconds he's scratching at it. Dog claws on glass make one of the most irritating noises I've ever heard. And he doesn't stop til its full again. And mom wonders why he's overweight.<br><br>3) Whenever he sees another animal he makes this...ridiculously annoying noise. Like a cross between a yelp and a bark. Its part of his OCD. I'm about to rip my hair out.<br><br>4) He's so friggin submissive...if I reach down to pet him he's flopped down on his back with his front legs tucked in and his hind leg raised (complete submission position) and he'll pee too. So I end up getting pee on my hands when I try to pet the dog. <br><br>5) He has obsessive licking problems. He'll lick anything. Fence bars...people...anything he can get his tongue on. If you push him away, he comes back and keeps licking. He doesn't stop. I'm tired of it...<br><br>6) He has separation anxiety an FLIPS OUT whenever he can't see Pocco.<br><br>Anyone have any clue how to solve any of these problems? Keep in mind, Sysco has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.


  • <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-size:150">With our old dog we just used to say "here" and point to the floor. then he'd lie on the floor at foot of the chair behind our legs n be quiet.<br><br>Not sure it'd work unless u put a lotta effort into it, especially since ur dog has OCD.<br><br>It's all in the way the dog sees you.<br>With your parents probably he sees them as THE BOSS but he probably sees you more as a playmate...</span></span>
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • Have you tried the cheap way of quieting a dog?<br><br>"Bark bark" close your hand over their muzzle, quiet, quiet, quiet. Good dog!<br>0.o Dunno.
  • NikkiAmii - He doesn't listen to any commands. If I did that, he'd flop down, submit to me, and pee on me. x.x<br><br>Dreamy - He's in a fence in my room. By the time I'd get in there he would've stopped barking, and he'd submit and pee on me if I grabbed his muzzle. I've...done it before...>>; I wish he didn't have a blatter.
  • Hrm. Auzzy had submissively deficated(Sp?) and urinated before. He was fear aggressive. Ugh. I can't remember what the trainer said. I'll ask my parents if they remember later if you want.<br><br>Oh. Auzzy actually deficated fearfully in her office because she separated him from me.
  • <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-size:150">Sure he doesn't have a weak bladder? <br>Coz if he's going everytime he gets excited that can't be good....</span></span>
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • Sorry about Auzzy Dreamy :( If you could ask, that'd be awesome.<br><br>NikkiAmi, he's not peeing when he gets excited, he's peeing when he's being submissive. It a signal that shows complete and total submission.
  • <span style="color:blue"><span style="font-size:150">Um...Yuk...LOL :lol: <br><br>I've got cats at the moment. One of them is really timid. But u can get these pheremone things that make them feel more relaxed. ( U can get them for dogs too)<br><br>I wish I could get a dog, not allowed one in my flat... :cry: :cry: :cry: <br><br>Well good luck, hope it gets sorted coz it must be really frustrating!</span></span>
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • Sorry about Auzzy Dreamy :( If you could ask, that'd be awesome.
    It's ok.. Well. It isn't but it is. >.><br><br>I'll ask my dad when he wakes up.
  • Maybe you colud look for a tranier for him? I dunno, my other idea was already said so I'm not much help.
  • There aren't any in my area that we can afford...they'd probably charge more too, since he has OCD and is therefore (seemingly) almost impossible to train.
  • I heard about something on the liking problem. But he would have to responde to commands. Have you tried a clicker? or whistle? It was on a TV show and they lady would do something to distract the dog and say no. Then walk away. Eventually the dog got the hang of it and understood. I'll see If a can find something on it.<br><br>*edit*Found this: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br>may be useful
  • It sounds like he just needs obediance lessons. <br>If he barks take him out of the room and put him somewhere else. If he gets separation anxiety symptoms take Pocco with him.<br>He scratches at an empty bowl? Put it in a room where he can't gain access to. He should forget all about it.
  • our stupid chihuahua learned pretty fast to shut up cause if he doesn't he gets smacked in the butt and then i also had to teach him that i was more dominant then he was so he'd quit chewing on me so i've bitten his ear a couple of times already and i think he's finally gotten the point that him chewing on me is just as bad as me bitting him <br><br>but all i'm really saying is that you need to come up with more creative ways to handling it cause i've learned that teaching a chihuahua something is completely different then teaching our terriers something cause the terriers catch on quicker and understand things better<br><br>never grab the jaw of a chihuahua and bit their ear at the same time (he was chewing on me) cause then they just bite down harder <br>and i don't know this might happen with other breeds too but neither of our terriers did it so<br><br>good luck
  • Breeding - No, he's completely unresponsive to commands. We tried to teach him the basics but he just...didn't get it. He's not too bright...Thanks, I'll check out that site. ...I rhymed 0o<br><br>Edel - I don't know how easy it'd be to train him cause'a his OCD. We had no luck at all when we tried @_@; then again, we're not professionals either. The taking him out of the room could work, cept the only other place he can go is a crate in the dining room, and I'd feel bad to have Pocco locked up for something Sysco did ^^; I'll try that for the bowl..just hope mom doesn't catch me. She thinks he'll go into shock if he doesn't have food for more than 5 minutes...and I'm serious.<br><br>Crazy - I can't smack him or bite him...I'd get submissivly peed on. And make him scared...he's already a timid and submissive dog...@_@; plus I could never bring myself to smack or bite a dog. Not unless they were like...mauling me or something XD
  • o.0
    "I am carrying all my hatred and contempt for power, its laws, its authority, its society, and I have no room for guilt or fear of punishment."-Diego Rios
    Semper Fi.
  • Ohhh how charming is this dog?<br><br>He had a bowl full of food...a bowl full of water...and a empty bowl. He scratched at that friggin empty bowl for 20 minutes.....its not like he's starving or dehydrated. He had FULL bowls of food AND water! *rips hair out*
  • Have you asked the vet about pills or anything? We used to have an OCD<br>springer and we used those calming pills, gave em to him every day twice<br>a day, and he pretty much shut up :)
  • We can't afford it Moonlight ^^;;<br><br>Another thing he does...he pees in their food/water bowls a lot. Any idea what that's all about? 0o
  • for the skratching at the food bowl i can relate so well with you, but now once hes finished his food we pick it up and leave it on the side. <br><br>and for him to not bark get a bottle fill it like a rattle (with stones , 1 pence pieces or 1 cent pieces or anything that will make a a loud noise) and every time he barks say "NO" then if he still barks slam the rattle down once and then repete "NO" .<br>do it consistanly for a few days and he should get the idea :) <br><br>hope that helps
  • The food bowl one wouldn't work, mom insists that they have to have a full bowl of food all day long, or they'll go into shock. The shaker idea sounds great though, I think that could solve the problem nicely. Thanks! ^^
  • both of your dogs are males right? If he pees on the water bowls it's<br>most likely a dominant "this is my territory". Even if they are neutered,<br>the testosterome level goes down, but dogs are still dominant over others<br><br>Otherwise..i've no idea xD
  • That's probably what it is Moonlight, cause they're both still intact (I've been trying to get mom and dad to get them neutered for 1.5 years now. They finally said they might do it for Christmas)
  • Crazy - I can't smack him or bite him...I'd get submissivly peed on. And make him scared...he's already a timid and submissive dog...@_@; plus I could never bring myself to smack or bite a dog. Not unless they were like...mauling me or something XD
    <br>you don't smack them or bite them hard and i said you don't have to do that just think of something more creative that you think'll work with a submissive dog
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