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Christmas For my Friends

Eh, why not.. I was going to do this later, but I suppose I will post now, seeing as I may not be around for Christmas, I may just give things out early :D Please keep in mind, this is for friends only :wink: Dont be offended if I dont count you as a friend, it's probably only because I dont know you well enough :) <br><br><br>Name:<br>What You'd Like:<br><br><br><br>No Dyes, or Sponsors please, I can hardly buy my own :D <br><br>I already have a few things planned for a couple people... but, you may post anyways...since you dont know who you are unless you can read my mind, through the computer :shock: :P
All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.


  • Lol, easy enough I suppose :lol: <br><br>*huggles*
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Yes!<br>I am soo rich in hugs :]<br><span style="font-size:59">haha.. hmm wonder if nef will let me buy a sponcer with hugs...</span>hehe.
  • Name: Boz<br>What You'd Like: To know if I'm considered a friend first of all XD Then if I am I will repost this XDD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Yes, you are boz ^^ I posted on your friends post as well :wink:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • XD I forgot about my friend post x3<br><br>Name: Boz <br>What You'd Like: Uh D: I'm not picky. You don't have to give me anything D: But if you must! Hmm Money... xD Banners? You make banners!
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Nickel! I wanna hug!
  • Crazy<br>I want: anything; i not pickey unless its food so anything will do<br><br>*huggles* i feel like giving hugs
  • *prod* I wonder.. We hardly talk.. but. I luffles my Nickeleh.
  • Name: Kite<br>What You'd Like: A hug :D *glomp*
  • Wow, all the hugs :shock: Lol, for a person who doesnt like to be touched, I sure get a lot of them :lol: <br><br>*huggles everyone back*<br><br><br>Dreamy, you're a friend ^^ I dont talk much to anyone unless I find it necesary anyways :)
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • :] Good thing too. I need info on how great brittanys are. ^-^<br><br>Trainings are always good. >.> Banners Rock. Though I still have one more from that auction.
  • What about Brittanies?
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I'll PM you what I wrote Jazz
  • Is Tarnish a friend? I also have a friend christmas board sitting around here somewhere..
  • Lol, tons of people do. But, I dont want anything :wink: Yes your a friend, you like Bleach dont you? :lol:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I think I'm a friend :)<br><br>Name: Cobbles<br>What You'd Like: A non-hug(since you don't like hugs :P)
  • Yeah! Too bad the Bleach episodes repeated and there haven't been new ones in awhile. They should have a big marathon like that one time when it was still pretty new. :D <br><br>Name: Tarnish<br>What You'd Like: A surprise ^.^
  • It isn't coming back until Death Note has ended, and I believe Death note is on Episode...8? and it has 30-ish episodes :( <br><br><br>Thats not gonna be till, the end of Spring or early summer O.O I won't live.<br><br><br><br>Oh, and *non hugs cobalt* lol :D <br><br>Giving hugs to friends is fine, lmao. Just no strangers randomly hugging me, or I might have a mental breakdown :lol:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Really?!? That stinks, but at least Deathnote is a good show. It would bug me if it was something really lame. Anyway since there are around 30 some episodes I am assuming theres an actual ending? It seems shows go on and on with no ending.
  • Well, i couldnt see how they could keep it going for that long, it would get repetative after a while unless they had a million characters & storylines like in Bleach. :D <br><br><br>Hey, Soap Opera's go on for YEARS *and Im not kidding, I watch the same soap opera my mom has been watching since she was a kid* So, I say Bleach must go on till Im old and I have kids :lol:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Haha! And they would get older xD. Yeah I see how Deathnote would get repetitive unless there was this huge twist. Hopefully they will move Bleach to another time on Saturday later on so there is both. They should kick the Boondocks to another time or day.
  • Well, my brother thinks once Blood+ ends, they will put Bleach in it's place, but I think there is more episodes of Blood in the future, then Death Note... but who knows. I check the schedule every month when it comes out, lol. Im geting impatient >.< All I know is by the end of December, Bleach wont be playing at all *i dont think...* O.O Till it replays again, or they have new episodes *new episodes would be nice >.< Seeing as they have new ones in Japan every Wendsday, so its not like the episodes arent flowing through at a regular pace* Though, they still have to do voice acting, but that doesnt take nearly as long as actually making the episode >.<
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I saw the schedule too. Blood+ is getting old already. In the begining it was interesting when they start to reveal stuff but now I watch every few episodes. We should flood AS mailbox asking for bleach xD.
  • Lol, yeah, but dont wanna annoy them either. Or they'll just be like, "You can just wait. Longer." lol. Dont wanna do that O.o <br><br><br>They are getting rid of Futurama at the end of the month though, so that will clear up some space :D I cant stand that show anyways >.<
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I like watching it but not the ones they repeat so much and the marathons were ridiculous. -.-
  • Oh, I know, when they had them disrupting Bleach >.< :evil: <br><br><br>And, like you said, at least Death Note is interesting, but, its not Ichigo&Rukia :D And they ended Bleach in the worst part, sooo close to like the BIGGEST episode EVER. :(
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • I know! When I saw the schedule for the next new episode and saw no new ones all through December I was like, "You've GOT to be kidding me! Right in the middle of the climax?!?!" Grr :evil:
  • Name: Zagari<br>What You'd Like: Anything or nothing at all
  • Thanks Zag ^^<br><br><br><br><br>Yep, and due to it, I keep ruining things and seeing things I shouldnt, cuz I cant help but to watch music videos and stuff people have made, and usually they have stuff from way ahead >.< Ill be reading the books though, so Ill pass up the show probably... if I can understand the books past the things I have seen on TV o.O lol. I dunno if I will be able to connect things right, the only reason I could get it right away is because I have seen all the episodes in the books I have read so far >.< :D
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
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