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Chirstmas List for Friends

Wow... The Year has gone by so Fast. It is amazing. I've seen many of my friends live but some have come back and I wish them all a merry Christmas.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>I would like my friends all to let me know what they want.<br><br>Stuff I can give:<br>VPC-10k and lower<br>Banners<br>Layouts<br>Personal Pics/kind of sort of<br>Maybe a Dog.<br>Huggles!!!<br><br>Stuff I can not give:<br>VPC over 12k<br>Sponser Accounts<br>Goodies<br>Gifties(unless you want an overpopulated one)<br><br><br>Things I would like:<br>VPC( I'm like the poorest person on here)<br>Sponser Account(I can wish)<br>Goodie Dye(Still wishing :P )<br>Huksy/ Malamute Breeds<br>If possible a Mummified Malamute.<br>A new Layout!!! NEed UBER bad.<br><br>Love you all!!! *huggles friends*


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