Hehe, well, My mom, my 2 sisters, my aunt, my uncle, and a few friends of mine went downtown to Winter Wonderland. It's where they have parades, a whole bunch of activities, free food, parades, etc etc. <br><br>Well, they also had Santa Claus. So, for those of you who've seen the movie, Elf, you will get this, everyone else will just laugh.<br><br>This lady got up on stage, and she said, "Santa will be here shortly"<br><br>And all the little kids "yay'ed" and such, but I, I went above and beyond that.<br><br>I shouted, above the crowd, "Santa! Oh my God! SANTA! I know him! I know him!" and then, I ran up to random people and said, "Make sure you stay for Santa!" "SANTA!"<br><br>I was overly excited..and my aunt started walking away..<br>So, I chased after her screaming, "Mommy! Don't disown me mommy, I thought you loved me!" And she goes, "Tia!..Shut up!"<br><br>Hehe, I also was yelling at the camels (they had camels for something)<br>Me and my mom were trying to figure out the secret code to get the camels to lay down, so, here are my codes(none worked)<br>Down Simba!<br>Down camel, down!<br>Lay down!<br>Sit!<br><br>And then, I laid on the ground to show them how to lay down..<br>They didn't like me

<br><br>But yes, I love embarrassing people
Semper Fi.
we will see
Please Pm me if I win
Semper Fi.
Thanks for the lovely banner, Nickel
Semper Fi.
Semper Fi.