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For those that I owe art to, you should read!

edited December 2007 in Artist Alley
So! I've finally desided that my mouse (which is not normal, has a ball on the side for your thumb, great for gaming, bad for art) is horrible at coloring and other such stuff, so to any one that is waiting for digital arts, I'm stalling until I get the tablet. Which should be around christmas, as some one is getting it for meh :D I'm still working on them (one at a time) and I may touch them up with the tablet when it gets here o.0<br><br>Currently I am CLOSED for digital art, banners, and photo manips as these all require the same program to make, and I do not have the time to take on more request.<br><br>I am still open for traditonal arts.<br><br>Also another stall on the digital arts is the fact that I've got 2hrs on week days to do any thing with them. I'm seeing about kicking my Win98 and making it so that I can transfer files vida flash drive so that I can have more time to work on the digital arts. I'm not sure if this will work though, as it is my back up computer and is very wimpy and may not be albe to handle the GIMP o.0 (my home XP crashed, and there is no sign of getting it fixed) <br><br>This all being said! I am currently still working on nikkiamii's Werewolf art, which should be followed by one of darkest angle's arts, a hellhound for sarah, another darkest, and then another helly for sarah, followed by what ever else I still own darkest.<br><br>(bleh i spent the whole morning to find a program that would make my two flash drives talk to meh Win98, and can only hope that they work so I can transfer the GIMP on to it, since the computer is not hooked up to the net, and there for can not just download it o.0)<br><br>Again! Evlon is poor and wants to sell you traditional arts, I can give you a link to my gallery if needed
Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.


  • Traditional arts? lineart?<br><br>Buffy had an order lol :D
  • <span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:blue">Ahh sorry bout ur comp. Don't worry about rushing mine. I'm happy to wait now that I know...LOL</span></span>
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • Buffy wrote:
    Traditional arts? lineart?<br><br>Buffy had an order lol :D
    <br><br>gahhh!!!!!11!! Evlon knew she forgot to grab something. I've had that done for days now, just have not scanned it in o.0<br><br>
    Nikkiamii wrote:
    Ahh sorry bout ur comp. Don't worry about rushing mine. I'm happy to wait now that I know...LOL
    <br><br>^^;; yeah I'm sorry that it is taking so long, but by tonight I'll know if I can get the old Win98 to talk to my WinXP vida flash drives. I've found the drivers need for them to talk, so I'm getting them on to CD (had them on the flash drives themselves and it seemed to work for 2 seconds, as the computer knew what the names were, until it decided that they were unknown devices o.0)<br><br>Any how! If this does work, and I can keep my self from getting tempted by meh star trek games I might get all caught up by the time meh tablet gets here.
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Update!!!<br><br>Well after much curseing, ranting, kicking and glaring I've gotten my small thumb drive to talk to my Win98. So I've got GIMP and some of the brushes from my WinXP. I started around 5 p.m. and gave up around 10:30 p.m. On the art thats due over at VP. I've had to clean up and other stuff on the junk that I had done, which took forever. I think that now I might get the darn werewolf done by tomarrow night if not tonight. I'm still trying to find a way to get the larger junkdrive to talk to my computer but have not found anything yet o.0 Also I had to hunt down an older virson of GIMP to work on the thing, but at least something got done o.0<br><br>Also if I owe you computer arts please note, message, e-mail, whatever me if I did not put you on the list. Because if you are not on the list, then your art will not get done, as I forgot about it.<br><br>Le List: (no order to this, just getting everything down)<br>Sarah - sketches done<br>Nikkiamii - just need to finish the face!!<br>Darkest Angle - sketches done<br>Shinzi0d - sketch done<br><br>(the list is from DA and VP so some of the people you may not know :wink: )<br><br>Also!!!<br><br>proof of work (yeah doesn't look like much got done but if you look very closly you can see that I've cleaned up the outline and stuff ^^)<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://evlon-shape-shifter.deviantart.c ... h-71268460</a><br>and 2 hrs later:<br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://evlon-shape-shifter.deviantart.c ... n-71268617</a>
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • <span style="font-size:150"><span style="color:blue">That's brilliant!<br><br>I wish I could draw/colour like that!</span></span>
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • ^^ thanx, I can't wait til i get my tablet, the art should be better after that ^^
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • That dog has a cool background. Tarnish is jealous and might steal some more of your skills.
  • XD tis not a hard background to make, Evlon uses a lot of premade brushes for the backgrounds because she ish lazy and hates to make backgrounds o.0
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • And some more news:<br><br>I finished the werewolf for nikkiamii ^^ Also I've gotten my other junk drive to work, so by the end of this week I might have all the files loaded on to my Win98 (I'm running GIMP with only some of my fancy brushes o.0 and no fonts)<br><br>Also I seem to have frogotten some arts that I own Zagari from the summer, and add them to meh to do list.<br><br>To Do:<br>Nikkiamii - Where Wolf 100%<br>Zagari - Neapolitan Mastiff 100%<br>Sarah - Helly #1 40%<br>Zagari - Rat Terrier 10%<br>Darkest Angle - Dragon Dane 10%<br>Sarah - Helly #2 10%<br>Shinzi0d - Furry 10%<br>Darkest Angle - Winged Dire 10%<br><br><br>And here is a shot of progress for sarah's helly: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url">http://evlon-shape-shifter.deviantart.c ... s-71415330</a>
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Traditional arts? lineart?<br><br>Buffy had an order lol :D
    <br><br>gahhh!!!!!11!! Evlon knew she forgot to grab something. I've had that done for days now, just have not scanned it in o.0<br><br>
    <br><br>Its okay Ev. lol im in no hurry
  • Buffy wrote:
    Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Traditional arts? lineart?<br><br>Buffy had an order lol :D
    <br><br>gahhh!!!!!11!! Evlon knew she forgot to grab something. I've had that done for days now, just have not scanned it in o.0<br><br>
    <br><br>Its okay Ev. lol im in no hurry
    <br><br>o.0 I need to find the line arts, or redraw them o.0 I misplaced them some where o.0
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Traditional arts? lineart?<br><br>Buffy had an order lol :D
    <br><br>gahhh!!!!!11!! Evlon knew she forgot to grab something. I've had that done for days now, just have not scanned it in o.0<br><br>
    <br><br>Its okay Ev. lol im in no hurry
    <br><br>o.0 I need to find the line arts, or redraw them o.0 I misplaced them some where o.0
    <br><br>No hurry ev :D
  • Buffy wrote:
    Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Traditional arts? lineart?<br><br>Buffy had an order lol :D
    <br><br>gahhh!!!!!11!! Evlon knew she forgot to grab something. I've had that done for days now, just have not scanned it in o.0<br><br>
    <br><br>Its okay Ev. lol im in no hurry
    <br><br>o.0 I need to find the line arts, or redraw them o.0 I misplaced them some where o.0
    <br><br>No hurry ev :D
    <br><br>Found! will load asap! (after ice storm )
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Evlon wrote:
    Buffy wrote:
    Traditional arts? lineart?<br><br>Buffy had an order lol :D
    <br><br>gahhh!!!!!11!! Evlon knew she forgot to grab something. I've had that done for days now, just have not scanned it in o.0<br><br>
    <br><br>Its okay Ev. lol im in no hurry
    <br><br>o.0 I need to find the line arts, or redraw them o.0 I misplaced them some where o.0
    <br><br>No hurry ev :D
    <br><br>Found! will load asap! (after ice storm )
    <br><br>Okay no hurry thankies :D
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