I am so mad. Nothing is good. Two loose dogs busted into my chicken pen, killing all my chickens. <br> My cat nearly killed my hamster. <br> My mom's best friend might have cancer. <br> My dad sold my goat, while I was at school, so I couldn't even say goodbye.<br> One of my best friends might move. <br> I can't calm down. Ever since the funeral of my 21 year old cousin. I can't stop moving my hands, my friend asked if I had ADD jokingly. I can't even retreat into my video-games anymore.<br> I failed my math test. It was the day after my chickens died and my dad sold Houdini (my Goat). It was a big test and i got a 46% on it. My teacher keeps screaming at me. I can't even think straight. I keep getting shivers down my spine for no reason. My best friend is really worried about me. I am too. I don't know what is wrong.
<br><br><br>Sorry to rant on about me, I just needed to tell someone.
Boz's Art Dump
<br></ul><br><ul class="bb-list-unordered">Thanks, this helped alot Koshi. I am starting to think possitivly, my best friend is helping so much. I go over most days to play sports or his new Wii. Thanks everyone <br></ul>
I had my first Grapple! 1/2/09