So...I know that there is alot of people on VP that are going through <br>rough times, whether it be about your friends, pets, parents or personal<br>problems. <br><br>I thought I would share this with all of you
<br><br>Today at school I got introuble and was sent to OCS for the day<br>(OCS=On Campus Suspension)<br><br>During third period they let us take a trip to the library, and let me tell you<br>the book I found made me see my life in a whole new perspective.<br><br>And I'm not just saying that. I'm being completley honest, truthful and <br>serious.<br><br>The book I found was called Life Strategies for Teens. It was written by <br>James Hurst, also known as Dr. Phils son :roll: <br><br>Now, before today I hated the fact of having some professional know it all<br>to have to tell you how to live your life (in other words a therapist, or<br>counselor) But this book made me realize the difference it can make in <br>your daily lives.<br><br>One thing I absolutley hate is hypocritical adults >.> <br>I come home every day to my parents telling me what to do and what not<br>to do. If I was to translate it it would be: "Do what I say and you'll get <br>through life fine. It doesn't matter what you think, it's all about what I <br>think."<br><br>The fact that parents, teachers, and most adults don't take us teens <br>seriously, makes me very angry. One day soon, we will part of the this<br>country that pays taxes, struggles with house payments, etc. etc.<br><br>And...what about what I want? What about what I care about?Doesn't<br>any of that matter to them? <br><br>They act like children aren't capable of anything good, and it pisses me<br>off. <br>I hate the way that teachers tell you that you need to act your age, and<br>brainwash you into being the same as them....the people that no one likes<br>I hate that people judge you for whats on the outside rather than what<br>there is inside.<br>I hate that when I talk no one seems to listen.<br><br>All the anger thats built up inside of me is to much to handle. And it seems<br>like nobody wants to do anything to help.<br><br>Yesterday I hated life...<br><br>Today I know that you have to make the most out of it, and that there are<br>things you can do to make it a better environment for you to live in.<br><br>There may be speedbumps in your life, but just push the peddle....<br>What are you waiting for?<br><br>There's things out there that some of us don't even know exist, and we're<br>sitting not even attempting to get out and see them.<br><br>So...I just hope that this might have helped everyone. And if you're ever<br>feeling like you want to beat someones face in, just kick back and have<br>a look at Life Strategies for Teens.<br><br>No changed my life...what about yours?<br><br><br>-Moonlight