Most of you know, but for those who don't...<br><br>Today is my birthday!<br><br>I'm not having a big celebration until after Thanksgiving, but my parents gave me my gifts early.<br><br>I got:<br><br>-iTunes gift card ($25!)<br>-New cover for my iPod <br>-An iHome<br><br>I think they had a theme going...<br><br>lmao, anyways.<br><br>My best friend and I had a kind of argument about the cover.<br><br>Me: C, do you want the Squishinator?<br>C: No! You need it for your iPod.<br>Me: I got a new one.<br>C: Is it squishy?<br>Me: No.<br>C: Darn!<br>*I show it to her*<br>C: It shall be called Squishy Rosa!<br>Me: It's not squishy!<br>C: Fine! Just Rosa then.<br><br>Course, I ended up giving her the old one anyway xD
Sernum's RL Friend.