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If you say no to breeding look in here!

edited December 2007 in General Discussion
If you say no to breeding than take a stand!!!<br>I went to the shelter the other day to hand in some fundraiser money and<br>I had to walk by the CREAMATOR and my fovorite dog at the shelter's BODY was IN THERE. I was in tears. LITTERALY. I usualy don't do capitols but this is SERIOUS! Some shelters GAS thier animals. I HATED it! The shelter that I volunteer at puts them to sleep and creamattes them though.<br><br>If you care give your Player name and I'll put you on the list on my kennel of people who <span style="font-size:200">CARE.</span><br>I'll also send you a pm (Personal Message) hand typed by me. Pm me if you want to say ANYTHING at all.
Sweatshirts - the best way of showing school spirit without getting off the couch


  • Against irrisponsible breeding, yes. But, if good breeders stopped their breeding, we would be left with mutts and badly bred dogs :wink: <br><br>Not to mention some people need to keep their lines going, especially after they have worked so hard in improoving breeds and such.<br><br>But, spay/neuter def. needs to be taken more seriously by 'pet' owners who dont have dogs that they want to breed/dogs that are all ready mutts or have poor lines/health issues.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • i have to agree with nickel<br><br>yes to the "good" breeders<br><br>and down with "puppy mills"
  • :/<br>If people didn't breed dogs,<br>poof, they'd be gone.
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Against irrisponsible breeding, yes. But, if good breeders stopped their breeding, we would be left with mutts and badly bred dogs :wink: <br><br>Not to mention some people need to keep their lines going, especially after they have worked so hard in improoving breeds and such.<br><br>But, spay/neuter def. needs to be taken more seriously by 'pet' owners who dont have dogs that they want to breed/dogs that are all ready mutts or have poor lines/health issues.
  • If people didn't breed dogs for like 5 - 10 years we would still have enough dogs for everyone in the world. Dogs are not going to "poof" if everyone stopped breeding for a few years.<br><br>I say no to breeding unless your dogs is a champion, has shown his work ability, has had all his health testing done (going to the vet and getting his shots and an "Okay" with the vet doesn't count), and the dog has a good temperament.. then it would be okay with me to breed one litter. Maybe.
  • 3eagles wrote:
    If people didn't breed dogs for like 5 - 10 years we would still have enough dogs for everyone in the world. Dogs are not going to "poof" if everyone stopped breeding for a few years.<br><br>I say no to breeding unless your dogs is a champion, has shown his work ability, has had all his health testing done (going to the vet and getting his shots and an "Okay" with the vet doesn't count), and the dog has a good temperament.. then it would be okay with me to breed one litter. Maybe.
    <br><br>yes! this is how I think as well, there are so many dog breeders where I live, and hardly any one ever spays or neuter their pets (cat and dogs) I worked in a vet office for a year and we had to put down so many poorly bred dogs every week. <br><br>Many people get male dogs so the pups will not be their problem, but they are just helping the over popluation along. Also I've got cyodogs running around my house, becuase load of people droped off dogs, and they started running with the pack o.0
    Due to lack of interest tomorrow is canceled. Let the clocks be reset and the pendulums held.
  • I am not against breeding all together. If the breeder is responsible, does health checks, and titles their dogs, by all means, BREED them! If you don't, do not even bother. <br><br>Of course, there are those uneducated people out there that fall into the backyard breeders' scams. They pay thousands of dollars for "rare" dogs. <br><br>An good, responsible breeder will only charge a few hundred for a good dog. <br><br>Potential buyers need to first educate themselves about the pet overpopulation, good breeders, and spay and neuter programs. Some county shelters (like my own) provide free or reduced spay/neuter clinics.
  • Against irrisponsible breeding, yes. But, if good breeders stopped their breeding, we would be left with mutts and badly bred dogs :wink: <br><br>Not to mention some people need to keep their lines going, especially after they have worked so hard in improoving breeds and such.<br><br>But, spay/neuter def. needs to be taken more seriously by 'pet' owners who dont have dogs that they want to breed/dogs that are all ready mutts or have poor lines/health issues.
    <br><br>Completely agree!!! :D :D :x
    I'm not on much anymore, If I win anything PM me.... Thanks
  • Against irrisponsible breeding, yes. But, if good breeders stopped their breeding, we would be left with mutts and badly bred dogs :wink: <br><br>Not to mention some people need to keep their lines going, especially after they have worked so hard in improoving breeds and such.<br><br>But, spay/neuter def. needs to be taken more seriously by 'pet' owners who dont have dogs that they want to breed/dogs that are all ready mutts or have poor lines/health issues.
    <br><br>I agree here. and i am against the breeders that breed irresponsibly
  • Ok...<br><br>I am a breeder. But we aren't irresponsible ones. All of our dogs have their<br>OFA certifications, health guarantees, have been obedience trained, and all<br>but 3 have their champion titles.<br><br>If there wasn't breeders like us, there would be millions of problems with<br>the health of the dogs we have today. With Berners especially, cancer is<br>very common and we have worked very hard to keep it out of our lines and<br>make it stay out of our lines. <br><br>I think there should be a big thanks to all of the successful professional <br>breeders in this country. Without them none of us would have our best<br>friends.<br><br>I am however, highly against irresponsible breeding. The people who just<br>breed for money, are stupid, and the ones causing the problems with the<br>dogs in the shelters.<br>Personally I don't think it's the population thats the problem. I think its the<br>education of everyone who lives here :? If more people knew what they<br>were getting themselves into instead of just getting a dog to "pass time"<br>we wouldn't have this problem.<br><br>.....that's all I'm saying 8)
  • so your saying your against the species of dog?<br>because if there was no breeds thered be very few rare breeds. and very few breeds period.<br>and breeding show dogs. and dogs to sell is fine.<br>but mill breeding is terrible.<br>those dogs live bad lives

  • I agree with Moonlight.<br>My parents and family use to breed maltese a year or two ago.<br>These maltese were champions from the FantasyLand line.<br>They had beautiful coats and perfect size and temperment.<br>I am just saying.. They were expensive but with all the effort<br>that has been put in to make them what they are today its worth it.<br>If you want a good dog you can get one from wherever all dogs are good.<br>But some breeders cost a sum of money because these dogs were<br>breed to be show and lap dogs and alot of work is put in. Just like with all<br>those imports on vp ^.^ But they arent a million bucks. <br><br><br>Thats my Two Cents. :wink:
  • yeah I'm not against any species or breed, but i think people should not breed their dogs irresponsibly. It often times just leaves pups without a home
  • with moony too<br><br>my mom breeds wheatens<br><br>and now that i am old enought to understand dogs more i am getting involved<br><br>our dogs are all champs but 3 and all are planned on being finished<br><br>we plan on taking my 10 year old to a huge terrier specilty next year along with a couple others
  • Meh, look at Auzzy. Look what we went through! One in a hundred would put up with that much and spend that much money and time trying to "fix" him. Bad breeding! He had something wrong mentally.. I can just tell.. What dog, will just sit there and then run one way, and some suddenly, then mouth your shoe. No, not like a puppy creeping up, it's strange. But.. Yeah. Bad breeders got us in this cruddy mess. Makes me almost want to go "get" a breeder dog. ><<br><br>I am totally against bad breeding. I'm also against bad ownership. <br><br>I really, really liked this one dog. Jack Russell. Was gone one day from the page, Yay! It was adopted. Next day, back. Why? The owners said it barked to much. Meh, there's ways to work with things like that. You don't get a refund if you return a dog. Why give 150 for a dog, then return it the next day? Spent another hundred bucks, and you could have it obedience and a "debarker" collar. Or just do something as simple when it barks, close it's mouth and say "quiet" a few times, then give the dog a treat. Auzzy didn't bark unless he saw a cat or he was hyper. So if he barked, we looked around for a cat, if not, walk time! He went for 30-40 walks a day the first few weeks, and though he was misbehaved when he slowed down or that, he was calmer! 30-40 short, 5 minute walks. "A tired dog's a good dog."<br><br>If people would tolerate a little more, a third of the dogs wouldn't be in the shelter. It sickens me. People have perfectly good and sweet dogs, and they send them in for stupid things that are <span style="text-decoration:underline"><span style="font-weight:bold">FIXXABLE</span></span>!<br>My mom works with people, who when the dog or cat needs anything beyond vaccines, they're put down. Heart worm med.? Not unless it was 'law'. Distemper for the cat? Nope. S-I-C-K.<br><br>Bella was in the shelter 1 month waiting to be adopted, was, and returned for allergies 2 days later. Waited another two months til we got her. Why was she there? He dumb butt owners never came back to get her after they moved. Back Yard Breeders are horrible. But bad ownership really gets to me. Maybe it's for what happened with Auzzy. But it sure raised my awareness.
  • Against irrisponsible breeding, yes. But, if good breeders stopped their breeding, we would be left with mutts and badly bred dogs
    <br>that would eventually die out and there'd be no dogs left.<br><br><br>Simply put, dogs don't have feelings like people do.<br>They are euthanized before cremation (gasing dogs is inhumane and any "shelter" that does that should be reported to the law). They do not know that they are about to be euthanized.. and they could care less. Just like when you are sleeping (not dreaming)... you don't know that you're unconscious. <br><br>Secondly, yeah, I realize that dog breeding has become a huge controversy because of all the irresponsible breeders that are bringing millions of puppies, sick healthy or whatever into this world because of not spaying or neutering. Neutering is a simple procedure, in which case most SPCAs will do for free if you do not have the finances available. Spaying is more difficult, though.<br><br>Just because a dog is a purebred with its papers, does NOT mean that they have to add to the population. There is more to dogs than their reproductive ability; they can do a myriad of other things.. but so many people don't see that. That's the kind of dog-breeding that I'm against. I'm not against responsible, reputable dog breeders that show (even better---work) their breeding stock to <span style="text-decoration:underline">prove</span> its quality, dispositional correctness, etc. Not only that.. most reputable breeders only breed each of their females 2-3 maximum in their lives.<br><br>I'm against puppymills and backyard breeders that breed for the sake of money-making. I'm not against responsible breeders that breed for the "betterment" of the breed standard.
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
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