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Momentarily Closed - Adding more animals

edited August 2007 in General Services
Well, we all love little furry creatures, correct? So how's about I supply you with some? I'll get right to the point, I love to draw and I think you love to get things.<br><br>I'm going to be selling some little critter drawings, currently I only have four animals to choose from. However, you may request a new animal (Do not order a new animal, request it. Like say "I think a so-and-so would look cute" I may or may not add it) These animals would be:<br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><span style="font-size:150">A Dog<br><br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>A Cat<br><br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>A Snake<br><br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>A Moose<br><br><br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>A Bear</span><br><br><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Requested Animals:</span><br>Rabbit<br><br>Hamster<br><br>Horse<br><br>Fat lil' birdy<br><br>Lion <br><br>Tiger<br><br>Wolf<br><br>Camel<br><br><br><br>______________<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Colors</span><br>You can choose up to three colors for your animal. One will be the base (body) color, the second will be a design color, the third will be a background color. You do not have to have a colored animal if you do not wish.<br><br>The designs will be custom. You simply tell me what you want. Such as if you want a heart shaped spot on the left leg, tell me what color and that you want it on the left leg. Please be specific. <br><br>______________<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold"> Accessories </span><br><br>If you want your animal to have a food bowl, a food item, a toy, etc. Please state this as well. And be specific on what you want. Please don't just say "I want him/her to have a ball". Please, <span style="font-style:italic">do</span> say, "I want him/her to have a yellow tennis ball"<br>______________<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Pricing</span><br><br>Black & White (like the samples) - 100k<br><br>Colored - 200k<br><br>Additional Designs - +10k to the original price, per design. <br>(The first design will be free. Any after that will have the 10k price tag)<br><br>Accessories - +10k to the original price. You pay 10k for each accessory, the first one is <span style="font-style:italic">not</span> free.<br><br>_____________<br><br>If you are ordering, please use these forms:<br><br>Be sure to specify which color is the base, the design, or the background. (if you choose a colored one)<br><br>Everything on black & white orders will be black & white. Nothing will be colored. So if you order a design just say what it is and where you'd like it, and if you have an accessory just say what you want. <br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Colored form</span><br>
Player name:<br>Animal:<br>Colors:<br>Designs (in detail if any):<br>Accessories (if any):
<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Black & White</span><br>
Player name:<br>Animal:<br>Designs (in detail if any):<br>Accessories (if any):
<br><br><br><br><span style="font-size:200">Please send <span style="font-style:italic">all</span> contracts to Dreaming & Scheming. </span><br><br><br>To do list:<br><br>Wheaton - done<br><br>MondyFlax - Not started yet


  • Cuteness ash! You should try a horseh :P
  • When I think of what I want and what colors I will order one Ashy :D
  • Dreamland wrote:
    Cuteness ash! You should try a horseh :P
    <br>I"m not sure how well that'd turn out D;<br>I'll try, though.<br><br>I drew a moose once and it looked pretty amazing...I"m just not sure how people on here feel about moose ;O
  • Moose's are uber cool :P I'd buy the mooseh
  • Player name: Wheaton<br>Animal: Doggeh<br>Colors: Gold Hunter Green and White<br>Designs (in detail if any): none<br>Accessories (if any): a Black Collar
  • You should totally try a squirrel.<br><br>I like squirrels. I also like cats.. Must save up moneh..
  • Wheaton wrote:
    Player name: Wheaton<br>Animal: Doggeh<br>Colors: Gold Hunter Green and White<br>Designs (in detail if any): none<br>Accessories (if any): a Black Collar
    <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>I didn't add any gold because you never got back to me with the design you wanted on it. I can always add it once you decide, but I really wanted to get your order done quickly.
  • You should totally try a squirrel.<br><br>I like squirrels. I also like cats.. Must save up moneh..
    <br>I'll try a squirrel ^w^<br><br>Sounds fun, they'd be easy to do as well.
  • I know someone who'd like a moose ;D
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Player name: MondyFlax<br>Animal: Snake<br>Colors: Black and green (Like my layout: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; )<br>Designs (in detail if any): I would love for it to have a scar going down it's eye<br>Accessories (if any): I would also love for it to have a sign above it saying "MondyFlax"<br><br>I will pay 350k.. because mine has lots of details.. =o
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • I think you should try either a lion or a tiger. :D
  • Oh, and I think you should try:<br>Wolves,<br>Little doll-type people,<br>Ducks,<br>Camels,<br>bunnies,<br>and bears.<br> 8) I love your drawings 8)
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Maybe...little birdies? ^^ Like little fat birdies sitting in branches? [/randomness]
  • Oh, and I think you should try:<br>Wolves,<br>Little doll-type people,<br>Ducks,<br>Camels,<br>bunnies,<br>and bears.<br> 8) I love your drawings 8)
    <br><br>I can draw little people...but they just look like stars xD<br>It's complicated how to explain.<br><br>I'll probably try wolves, camels, and bears. I'm not sure how the others would turn out D;
  • Player name: MondyFlax<br>Animal: Snake<br>Colors: Black and green (Like my layout: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; )<br>Designs (in detail if any): I would love for it to have a scar going down it's eye<br>Accessories (if any): I would also love for it to have a sign above it saying "MondyFlax"<br><br>I will pay 350k.. because mine has lots of details.. =o
    <br><br>I wasn't sure what kind of sign you wanted D;<br><br>If you don't like this let me know, and I'll redo it.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • =O<br>I LOVE IT!<br>=o
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Are you okay with the scar?<br>I wasn't sure how you wanted it D;
  • Lmao xD<br><br>I'll add it later today, I promise ;P
  • Player name: Head Trainer Kelsey<br>Animal: Bear<br>Colors: Lime Green and Blue<br>Designs (in detail if any): Hot Pink dots<br>Accessories (if any): an acorn necklace :P
    Good luck with your mom, Moony!
  • Player name: Head Trainer Kelsey<br>Animal: Bear<br>Colors: Lime Green and Blue<br>Designs (in detail if any): Hot Pink dots<br>Accessories (if any): an acorn necklace :P
    <br><br><br>Bear isn't an option.<br>I suggest reading the entire first post before posting. -.-;<br><br>
    Asher wrote:
    Lmao xD<br><br>I'll add it later today, I promise ;P
    <br><br>He's bad with promises.. he forgets about them. :P
  • Player name: Nickelback_Luver (Nickel)<br>Animal: Dog<br>Colors: dark Red&Black<br>Designs (in detail if any): Black heart on one ear<br>Accessories (if any): Spiked Collar<br><br><br>Eh, give me a price, I dunno how much thats worth ^^<br><br>Thanks.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Oops! I missed that part. I will re-order. I'm really sorry. :? <br>I think some people would like a..KOALA! :D <br><br>Player name: Head Trainer Kelsey<br>Animal: Snake<br>Colors: Dark Red, Black, and White. <br>Designs (in detail if any): I'd like for it to have huge, black fangs.<br>Accessories (if any): A ring at the end of his tail, like goin' through his tail.
    Good luck with your mom, Moony!
  • Player name: Nickelback_Luver (Nickel)<br>Animal: Dog<br>Colors: dark Red&Black<br>Designs (in detail if any): Black heart on one ear<br>Accessories (if any): Spiked Collar<br><br><br>Eh, give me a price, I dunno how much thats worth ^^<br><br>Thanks.
    <br><br>Parker deals with my finances ;P<br>I just draw.<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" />
  • Oops! I missed that part. I will re-order. I'm really sorry. :? <br>I think some people would like a..KOALA! :D <br><br>Player name: Head Trainer Kelsey<br>Animal: Snake<br>Colors: Dark Red, Black, and White. <br>Designs (in detail if any): I'd like for it to have huge, black fangs.<br>Accessories (if any): A ring at the end of his tail, like goin' through his tail.
    <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Here you go :]<br><br>The piercing looks weird to me...
  • Can you make a chinchilla? <br>I love your style....tis so...cute!
  • I-LOVE-IT!!!
    Good luck with your mom, Moony!
  • Player name: MondyFlax again :)<br>Animal: Doggy!<br>Colors: Red and Silver (Silver outline, red coloring)<br>Designs (in detail if any): Golden stars, all over the place, but not so much it takes over the dog, like, one star here, another one here, and another one there, and another one here, and one more over there. >_> If that helps <_<<br>Accessories (if any): I would love for it to have baby blue eyes <3<br><br>I dunno how much I should pay o__________o<br>You decide :<
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
  • Player name: MondyFlax again :)<br>Animal: Doggy!<br>Colors: Red and Silver (Silver outline, red coloring)<br>Designs (in detail if any): Golden stars, all over the place, but not so much it takes over the dog, like, one star here, another one here, and another one there, and another one here, and one more over there. >_> If that helps <_<<br>Accessories (if any): I would love for it to have baby blue eyes <3<br><br>I dunno how much I should pay o__________o<br>You decide :<
    <br>No problem :3<br><br>How does free sound, for the price?
  • :o!<br>:o!<br>:o!<br>:o!<br><br>ily<br>ily<br>ily<br>ILY MORE!<br>ILY MORE MORE!<br>ILY MORE MORE MORE!!!!<br>:O!
    i know you're supposed to cherish life , but this crap isn't paradise .
    love&&lifegaurds , mondy♥; .
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