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New Section?

Many here make graphic, using GIMP and other programs. Should there be a section made for GIMP brushes, other graphic tools, tips, tricks and help?<br><br>I think a section for this would make other sections less cluttered and put all the info into one easy to find spot.<br><br>Your opinions?<br><br>If you vote yes, please give a name suggestion for the new section (assuming it is wanted and I get permission to make it)
Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!


  • I think:<br><br>Graphics and Beyond <br><br>I like that name :-)
  • YES YES YES!! :D
    FAME FOR SALE: 667
    DOGS FOR SALE: everything for the right price $$
  • i made a list on the ones suggested on chat<br><br><br>Graphic Tip Corner (Kibs)<br>Graphic Help<br>Graphic Grotto (Ru)<br>Graphic Lobby (Kibs)<br>Graphic Ground (Kibs)<br>Downtown Graphics (Darky)<br>Fun With Graphics<br>Graphic Guinea Pigs (Kibs)<br>Graphically Awesome (Darky)<br>Dance, Dance, Graphics (Kibs)
  • I think we should have that :3<br><br>The Graphic Wall<br><br>xD
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • Personally I think there should be a separate section for both graphics<br>(such as banners personal pics etc.) and layouts...general services does<br>seem to get too crowded, and plus lots of people just put services on there<br>that they make up themselves...for instance Ru, your line thingy mabob<br>XD <br>So all for this :D<br><br>Oh and, I think it should be called "Hall Of Graphics" or "The Graphic Hall"<br>something along the lines of that :wink: :)
  • Graphic Gallery?<br><br>I dunno 'twas thinking of Artist Alley...
  • Ooo I got another!<br><br>Doggone Graphics<br><br>:3
    Please PM if I win.
    Boz's Art Dump
  • it might be a bit much..with tips and tricks, artist alley, and the new one...but yeah i think you should make it anyways!

  • Hrmm... Why do you need to make a new board? We have artist alley. I haven't been there much but I dont think its crowded there. Plus the tips and tricks for like art and training and blah go in the tips and tricks section. Anyways if you have art your supposed to put it in artist alley. Unless you want to show it to people or something. Maybe instead of like a Program board for like GIMP and other things we could have a tutorial board for those programs. But then we do have Tips and tricks section for that. But if you make another board that would be very nice :) Just to prevent major flooding and crowding of boards. So I would say.....<br>YES!!!! :D :D <br><br><br><br>Wow I talked my self into saying "yes." Yay me!!!!<br><br><br>Q: If we make another board for graphics and stuff what will happen to artist alley?<br><br><br>Names!!!<br><br>Gripping Graphics<br>Glamorous Graphics<br><br>More to come later :)

  • Tips and Tricks would be for gameplay help.<br>Artist Alley is for showing pics/graphics and getting advice on critiques of your art.<br><br>The new section would be where to get and how to use GIMP, brushes, Photoshop and other graphic programs.<br><br>So, if you want to know how best to train your dog, or what to event it in, you go to Tips and Tricks.<br>If you have a drawing of something or a new banner you want opinions on, you go to Artist Alley.<br>If you want to know where to get a GIMP brush or how to make a transparent background in Photoshop, you would go to the new section.
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
  • Wow Ru that makes things alot easier to understand :shock: :lol: :)

  • :arrow:
    Boz and Ana Luffs Ru! ( we own her you see! :P ) NUU Ori owns Ru!! YAARRR!!!
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