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Another Class

I don't know which to do for Auzzy's next obedience thing.<br><br>The classes are<br><br><br>Puppy Basics<br>Basic Skills<br>Basic Manners<br>Beyond Basics<br>Tricks & Games<br><br>Auzzy can't do the first. He's not a pup ^^<br>Basic Skills He is finishing up.<br><br>Info on the other three<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Basic Manners</span><br>* Provide your dog with an alternative to “inappropriateâ€


  • Whoever voted. Why did you vote that?
  • I voted ^^<br><br>And I voted it, because it seems a lot more open to your opinion on what you want your dog to learn. It seems more like you choose what you want your dog to learn, and sounds more fun, and more of a laid back kind of thing :wink:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • i voted tricks and games because your dog will get sick and tired of just obedience training.
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  • He seriously won't be sick of it. He thinks everythings a game. xP :roll: Hehe
  • Oh, Anything they wrote, I'm editting and anything he knows I'll put in <span style="color:red">Red</span>
  • Tricks and Games
  • Oh , Because once your dog play games and have fun it will be able to learn more because of it's confidence level(Which'll improve) and you'll be able to train that particular dog to do anything :D
  • xP Hmm.. 'twill think about that.. <br><br>Does anyone having any clue to stop mouthing? He does more when we yelp/don't pay attention...<br><br>And any ideas for for exercises on Come?<br><br>What we were doing with come is get 2 people across from one another.. and call. Treat call treat. and mixx it up
  • xP Hmm.. 'twill think about that.. <br><br>Does anyone having any clue to stop mouthing? He does more when we yelp/don't pay attention...<br><br>And any ideas for for exercises on Come?<br><br>What we were doing with come is get 2 people across from one another.. and call. Treat call treat. and mixx it up
    <br><br>Tucker was a bad mouther ^^<br><br>You can either grab the bottom of their jaw (gently) or on purposly stick your whole hand in their mouth. Some dogs dont like it when you force them to have your hand in there mouth, so if hes chewing on just your finger or something, Id try that. When you grab the bottom of the jaw, dont do it hard, just very lightly, you dont want to hurt him.<br><br>Also, you can try bitter apple spray, we used to have to spray it on ourselves when he was biting really bad (he would bite legs, arms, toes, feet, fingers, hands, etc.)<br><br>Another thing, hand him a different thing to chew on. Replace whatever you dont want him chewing on, with a bone, rubber toy, or any of his favorite toys, and praise him for chewing on that instead. (clapping, saying Good boy, and all that fun stuff^^)
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Just because it says "Tricks and Games" doesn't mean it would be fun. Any type of training can be fun for a dog, if you make it that way.<br><br>Always start on a positive note (praise, treats, etc. ) and always end on a positive notes. ( a good round of fetch, a nice pat, etc.)<br><br>I would go with any of the obedience, it is always a good idea to have some obedience training.
  • Yeah. I'm going to ask the trainer. But He thinks people doing anything in his presence is a game. He focuses and is eager to please. Which is great. I just wanted an opinion of people who have owned dogs.
  • With the biting.. I had a problem with my Dane pup biting bad too. When he would bite we would yelp (like a puppy would) and hand him an acceptable toy to chew on. When he chewed on the right toy, we would praise him.. a lot.<br><br>It worked well, he doesn't bite us anymore and he only bites other people when I ask him to. :P<br><br>Just keep at it. Remember, he's a dog. You are trying to teach him what YOU think is acceptable for him to do.. he is just acting on his instincts. <br><br>Right now, he probably sees you as a littermate, or an equal and you're not. You are alpha. Biting should be stopped as soon as possible, it shouldn't be acceptable and the pup should know that.<br><br>Lol, sorry.. didn't mean this to be so long. Dog training/behavior is one of my favorites. :P
  • It's ok Eagles. You're so knowlogdgable. And you can spell which I cannot do <.< <br><br>It doesn't make a difference that he's almost 2?
  • Almost 2! Whoa, I thought he was a puppy.. Yeah, that makes a big difference.<br><br>Humans skin is NOT allowed on dog's teeth. Does he show any other signs of dominance? Like humping, peeing on beds, ..? <br><br>Some people might say this is mean, but it helps with my dogs. As long as you can trsut you dog, Roll them over on their back. Lay over them and "hug" them. If the dog lays there praise it a whole lot.. more than you have ever praised it before.<br><br>That way you are letting the dog know that being submissive is a WONDERFUL thing. (a dog on it's back is a submissive posture)<br><br>I suppose use the same thing with the biting, yelp or scold (just say "no", no need to pop the dog :P ) and give the dog an acceptable toy to chew on. Praise heavily :P<br><br>My 1 year old dog still mouths when he gets excited. We do the replacing with a toy but when we don't have a toy and he bites I grab the inside of his mouth under his tongue and just barely press down with your thumb, not too hard though. It gets their attention fast and it's uncomfortable for them.<br><br>If he is showing signs of dominance I would start on NILIF (nothing is life is free) right away. I can send you some links.<br><br>Good luck!
  • We have kongs, And one we get this "tugajug" thing He'll be on NILIF thing.<br><br>I've only had him 3 months so..<br><br>He doesn't hump/pee on beds. Just mouths. Barks occasionally. goes after feet. Yeah. Sometimes he has potty mistakes but it's not short marking. It's a bladder emptier. <br><br>I'm reading a book my aunt/uncle got me. By Tamar Geller. About non-violent teaching and such. <br><br>Yeah, yelping he got excited by, he'd back up like "What did I do?" and we give him a toy. He chews it, we praise him, he drops it and mouths. ><
  • LOL, find some toys he likes better than your hands. :P<br><br>Sounds like you got it under control. :D If you have anymore problems I would ask your trainer.<br><br>You have a trainer right, or are you teaching him all his tricks?
  • He has a trainer. She's uber cool. xP She gave us a folder with information.. like 10 pages on what they were doing/behavioural things. Different buisness cards for places she suggests and such. Auzzy loves her. she gives him treats.
  • I voted basic manners because being able to heel correctly and greet people properly is way more important than tricks. Especially at an obedience trial, your dog needs to be able to walk next to you and listen to you while around unfamiliar people and distracting barking dogs. It would be better in agility and obedience shows than a crazy dog that can't heel or jumps up on people, but hey, he can do a backflip!
  • I voted on basic manners because it is important for your dog to be able to act appropriately around people and dogs otherwise it could cause both you and your dog a lot of problems. Plus its better to start of with the basics then to go to beyond basics.
  • Yeah. I was thinking. He is easy to train. And I can't teach him manners myself from experience. So.. I could get a book and try to teach him tricks from that xD
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