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Its Is Time For Me To Make A Sugestion.

edited September 2005 in Game Suggestions
I Have been wondering about this for a long while now. But i think that sposners should be abl e to get dog Handling skill for no fame points, since Novices can get it aswell. I woukld be fair then....what do you think?
Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP


  • I've been thinking the same thing..I hate having to trade off my points between business and handling. I have to agree too, paid members sould get that as a default.
  • *nods* I agree. I like to show my dogs as they're being trained and I'd like the points in handling b/c novices get it for free. we're paying, why shouldnt it be an auto filled skill?
  • Especially when considering we only have a 200% point max for skills, heck yeah!<br><br>It's very cool that novices can earn a handling max, because that way they can earn extra money by boarding and showing sponsor-owned dogs. (I'd use someone else's boarding kennel, if sponsors didn't charge and arm and a leg for it -I have 20+ dogs in my Training Kennel alone, I could never afford it-). But for those of us who have paid for a sponsorship, which means we can use the other three skill sections, we shouldn't have to be made to pick one just to be able to keep showing our dogs. <br><br>And if we can't do that, we should at least be able to swap skill points around our kennels freely and let a novice kennel do our showing for us. (At the same time, may I raise my hand again, to vote in favor again of a web-ring sort of thing between sponsor-owened novice kennels so we can swap our dogs around without loosing loyalty or having to write new leases every week?)
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • im glad so many people agree with me. I only have Handling on my Novice accounts because i use Busness and training for my training accounts and i use training and breeding for my breeding kennel so i dont ever get a good chance at showing my dogs... i guess that is why i dont show my dogs.
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • BUMP
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • I agree also. I am right behind this idea 8)
  • I agree, handling skills should be automatic for sponsors. I also love the kennel ring idea.<br><br>And I think this thread needs a poll. Can Loser add one, or do we have to start a new thread?
    Guardian Angels
    Well, my dog loves me.
  • im glad so many people agree, i have added a poll.XD
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • BUMP
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • I also completely agree, I need my training skill full to train better and now I really want my business skill up but how can I do that when I need my dogs to do well in shows? Right now what Im doing is filling my handling skill in one of my novice kennels so that I can at least show them in there. But then how do I get fame points in my sponsor kennel? lol Im very confusing I know but just to end this quickly, I completely agree Loser!
  • I understand Italian Greyhound Breeder, its hard to earn the skill in novice kennels exspecially. Thats what i had to do but thank goodness for me i have 4 sponsers so i use my rescue to event
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • I agree also. We only get 200% skills and I want to get all of them lol :D and I already filled up my handling skill as a Novice, so now I only have one more skill to learn as a sponsor. I'm a breeding kennel, but I also want to train too, so I'm depositing all of my fame points into the Training slot, but what about Business and Breeding?
  • yuna wrote:
    I agree also. We only get 200% skills and I want to get all of them lol :D and I already filled up my handling skill as a Novice, so now I only have one more skill to learn as a sponsor. I'm a breeding kennel, but I also want to train too, so I'm depositing all of my fame points into the Training slot, but what about Business and Breeding?
    <br><br>You can't really train with a breeeding kennel. i would put it in breeding and Busness or Breeding and Handliling
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • Even though I'm not a sponsor, I agree with the auto-filled handleing for sponsors.
  • Bump... anymore opinions?
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • Hmm, I wonder who those 4 people who voted "No" were and why they voted that way. Anyway, another count from me about how much I like the idea.
    Friendly until crossed. Consider yourself warned.
    Doberman Pinschers [Sponsor Training]
  • Proababbly Novices, but it doesnt matter look how high the "yes" is towering about the "no" one :)
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • I agree.<br><br>I could fill my Breeding skill on my prestige account with the Handling fame points, since my breeding kennel's contracts sometimes don't allow to breed when you choose "Allow Breeding."<br><br>Awesome idea, Loser :D
    back for a bitt. =D
  • Thanks Everyone, i love all of this feedback.
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • eh i'm confused do novies really get it for come i had to use my fame points.....although im lost....i agree with you :lol: eh i'm probably not understanding....ahhh....damn im so bored....been on VP for like 4 houra non stop 'cept for food :D
  • eh i'm confused do novies really get it for come i had to use my fame points.....although im lost....i agree with you :lol: eh i'm probably not understanding....ahhh....damn im so bored....been on VP for like 4 houra non stop 'cept for food :D
    <br><br><br>No Novies have to use thier fame points aswell as everyone else.
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • I would say no,as if the 200% skill isnt good enough now defaualt handling skills?That would make it impossible to win against sposers,mybe you should give novices a fair chance.I'm ready for the screaming and yelling.
  • give novices a fair chance? as in equil against sponsors? not going to happen. we pay 20 dollars per account to get things better. novices accounts are free. if you want equil rights, pay up, simple as that
  • Lupess9021 wrote:
    I would say no,as if the 200% skill isnt good enough now defaualt handling skills?That would make it impossible to win against sposers,mybe you should give novices a fair chance.I'm ready for the screaming and yelling.
    <br><br><br>Well, i think this should be a perk that sponsers get for playing the game.Personally ( sorry to be rude to any novices) but i think skills should be a sponser only thing...
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • *nods in agreement to the above comment*<br><br>My Training kennel is set for Training and Handeling. The Training skill bonus isn't half so sweet without the extra boonus of being a Training kennel ( IMO ).<br><br>My Breeding kennel is Breeding and Handeling, though I would like to put it at Business. ;) heh.
  • in my training kennel i have Trainng And busniess in my breeding kennel i have breeding and business, in my club kennel with miroku we have busniess and handling, in my rescue kennel i have busness and handling and finally mu other trainer has traning and business.<br><br>so the only sponser kennels i can have handling in is my club kennel and my rescue kennel, out of 5 kennels only 2 can have handling Heh...
    Never Under Estimate the Powers of a Loser
    Breedin' The Best Vizslas on VP
  • Handling is also in almost all of teh events as well. So when eventing your dogs from Kennels that don't max their handleing.., you are actually down a few points.<br><br>No matter how well stated your dog, or how good teh loyality score, with that lack of handleing you can actually hurt your chances of winning events.<br><br>So Novices who max their Handleing, and buy up a well trained dog have a VERY good chance at making tons of cash.<br><br>Now sponsors pay RL money. Most of the players here ( as I can tell ) either still live with their folks, are in grade/high school, or don't have a serious job in the work force. Most don't understand that 20 bucks is alot of money in the scheme of things.<br><br>With gas prices up - 20 bucks won't fill my tank anymore.<br>I have to drive to get to work to Make the money to pay bills ( and play this game ;) ). 1 week to 1.5 = 1 tank of gas.<br><br>So rather then spend my money on gas and make sure I can get to work so I can survive.., I spend money on VP.., a game. Why? I LOVE the Game! I think its awesome and worth the money.<br><br>( That and it helps me keep awake during work. *chuckles* Third shift sucks somewhat. Thanks Nef! )<br><br>So yeah. I'm going to rant and rave about Sponsors getting more...,<br><br>BUT Novices shouldn't be completely messed over either. They do make up the mass of the site. Eventuall they will become Sponsors as well, given time ( adn an oppertunity to get their own job - even in highschool ;) ).
  • I'm sure there are more novices like me that are'nt allowed to pay some 'unknown person' 20 bucks. I sstill think it's a great idea, but just so novices still have a reason to play, why not have some novice only shows, still hosted by sponsers, but only novices can enter?
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift... That's why it's called 'The Present"
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