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Kennel Crest Custom Slots for auction! (Glitters o.0)

edited March 2007 in Auction
Yep, Here is an example of what my crest look like-<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>First of all, If I make youa certain crest (For e.x, a rose, sun, star,ect) I will never make the same one with the same crest for anyone else, in that way I make them more personal so players can recognize others just by there crest ^^<br><br><br>I also made them sparkle to make them even more prettyful ^^<br><br>So, here we go! Please bid!<br><br><br>Slot One- SOLD<br>SB-10k<br>MBI-none<br>HB-500k<br>BIN-2 Million <br><br>Slot Two<br>SB-10k<br>MBI-none<br>HB-50k<br>BIN-2 Million <br><br>I reserve all rights. Also for more glitters and pretty things go to Me and Mell's graphics!<br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;


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