So, one of my Green Iguana’s died some time ago from an unknown illness. Cleaning out the cage, quarantine, ect… took a few months, but now we are ready to fill the large empty tank. The thing is, I don’t know if I want to try Iguana’s again, or go for something totally different. Mother has finally agreed, after much talk and such, to allow me to have a snake, non-poisonous of course. Ball Pythons are my first choice. I am the kind of person that likes large, tamable, and able to be handled animals. All my other pets include two medium sized dogs, a cat a bit large for it’s age, hamsters, and countless beta’s. My only worry with a snake is that when it get bigger, if it escapes, what it could do to my cat since they are in the same room.<br><br>I need your opinion on which I should get. Based on my personality, I am leaning towards a snake. Just post your opinion. If you have a completely different type of reptile, please post a name and link.<br><br>Some things to help:<br>-Preferred large, just not twenty feet<br>-Something tamable <br>-Pretty docile<br>-Won’t bite the living daylights out of my hand<br>-Unique<br><br>Thanks for any help ahead of time.
I ish Mousie!