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Wheee! A Rally Poll!

edited February 2007 in General Discussion
Ok, I'm bored. Wheeeeeeeeeeee! Yeah.... I know.... that was akward..... LMFAO Well...... Umm.... I'ma gonna have a poll, please vote, it just takes one finger.... a couple clicks..... maybe two fingers at the most...... And if your eyes are already reading this.... I mean...... Why not vote? LOL<br><br>Your opinion of Rally's sanity level......<br><br>1. Perfectly sane, calm, cool and collective, let's other's walk all over her, and is the nicest person in the world, and keeps all of her thoughts to her self, if she even has any, and she's never upset about anything at all.<br><br>2. Very nice and somewhat calm and laid back, very nice and forgiving, hardly ever gets upset, gets along with almost everyone.<br><br>3. Not too crazy, somewhat nice, a bit confused, gets upset occassionally, but at some times a bit wild and just needs to let off some steem.<br><br>4. Is easily provoked, and upset, enjoys the pleasure of proving other's wrong, feels free to speak her mind most of the time, depending on the situation, hates to admit she's wrong, and is quite deffensive, but is kind when she feels like it...<br><br>5. A mentally unstable bi-polar schizophrenic, that sticks to her own opinion and will fight for it, isn't afraid to speak her mind, is easily bored and creates odd tasks for other's, for her sheer amusement, easily offended, and very "fiesty" as you normal people would state it, but then again.... if your on her list, it's all good.


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