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Photomanipulation: Is It Art Theft?

<span style="font-size:75">Please keep in mind to those who respond to this essay/writing (whatever you wish to call it)/editorial that this is an argumentative piece. This writing is recommended to people who want to fight and make claims that don't have facts to support it.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photomanipulations or Art Theft?</span><br>By: WeisseEdelweiss<br>Kennel URL: <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a><br><br>; Looking around on VP one could notice that people advertise the sale of banners and creations called personal pictures (abbr. personal pics) while using photos taken from the internet to do so. Due to this practice bandwidth and photos are stolen from someone and it gives more work for Virtual Pups Staff.<br><br> Whether or not these images are copyrighted should not hinder the fact that they are pictures that have been stolen from their original creators. Most players do not ask permission for the use of these images and thus it is theft. One can look on the kennel pages of people who do this or on their dogs and will not find a note or acknowledgement of proper ownership.<br><br> Most of the players copy the images straight from the websites. I've heard of instances from players where game operators have had to remove images off of dogs and kennel pages because the code eats up the owner’s bandwidth. It can be assumed that this causes a disturbance with the owner of the Virtual Pups site or game operators. <br><br> What can be done? People can draw their own pictures. Seeing what one can do (whether other people like it or not) everyday can boost self-esteem and add a creative edge to the game experience. If that person is not satisfied with their own work they could pay an artist on Virtual Pups for an art piece.<br><br> Most of the time people put their e-mail on their websites. E-mail them for permission or reference that which has used even if one decides to crop or add text to the image. Submit your image on a proper site such as <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; or <a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>. <br><br> By practicing this we can eliminate grief of the photographers, artists, and Virtual Pups staff.<br><br><br>___________________________________________________________<br><br>If you have any other claims or counter arguments post them here.


  • Does <span style="font-weight:bold">Corbis</span> fall under the same catagory?
  • Does <span style="font-weight:bold">Corbis</span> fall under the same catagory?
    <br><br><br>What category are you representing?<br><br>"Corbis is a world leader in digital media. By providing the industry's richest array of digital image licensing, rights services, artist representation and media management, Corbis enables creative innovation for advertising, corporate marketing and editorial clients. Corbis is headquartered in Seattle, with 20 offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia." (<a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>;)<br><br>It seems to be a copyright service. I hope that answers your question. So yes everything on that site is owned by someone.
  • So would it be theft if we used those pictures?
  • If you didn't ask for permission or if they don't state that anyone can freely use their images then yes it is theft.
  • I completely agree with you. I will admit that back before I even knew what bandwith and the like was I did that sort of thing. However, the minute I found out what all of that was I stopped. I'm glad I was told what it was because otherwise I would've never known. x.x<br>And when I found that out I did exactly what you're suggesting to do here ^^ I drew pictures for them all. <span style="font-size:59">But then I realized it isn't completely safe to post artwork on VP because people might just steal it anyway >>;. Then again I don't put any watermarks or anything on my art. That could resolve the whole problem. But I don't know how to do watermarks XD *not so bright*</span><br>I'm really glad you posted this. Some people might be doing this without knowing it like I was. Hopefully they'll see this and realize what they're doing ^^<br>You should write for a newspaper or kick arse at writing stuff like this ^^
  • Thank you. I'm not trying to cause an uproar but what I typed seems true to me.
  • Some fool said no but didn't give a reason why. That ladies and gentlemen is a coward.
  • I agree with you. It is theft and unfortunately, like Kite_Katsumi, I was once a thief when I first started out on VP. The moment I found out it was wrong I stopped though. X3 No one told me it was wrong, I figured it out myself by running across a post like this one. This type of post is what needs to be shown on the front page of VP, I think. It may explain to kids that don't know and that take the time to read rules (I know, that's not many) why it's wrong. I now make sure that every time I rescue a dog with a picture I delete it just in case. I think that'll help too, deleting pictures that are on rescued dogs since most are stolen. <br><br>Carry on with your acknowledgments WeisseEdelweiss, my intuitive VPian associate! ^_^
  • Koshi, you are too kind. Ha ha. Yes, you're right. Something such as this needs to be on the front page because we all know that the only people that read the ToA are the people who type it. I'm an exception along with a few others I'm sure.<br><br>I use to steal images as well. I didn't think of it was stealing because it was the internet. Theft on the internet is very real thing.
  • I don't want to steal anything either, I am totally against that. It's just so hard to find pictures uncopyrighted.
  • It is, but taking things that are copyrighted is not legal.<br>Anyone can draw something in Ms paint with their mouse.
  • So your suggesting we draw rather than use pictures online? If thats the case, no, not ANYONE can draw a pic on MS paint. Because, i fall under the category of "Cant even draw a straight line"<br><br>But, i do agree that people shouldn't just grab pictures off of any website without permission. Especially artistic photo sights that specifically state that they are copyrighted images. But, people who post pictures that show up on google image searches (or anything like that) are putting up there own risk. If you're going to make it that easy for someone to look at your photo and take it, that is simply their problem. That, and a lot of sites dont post copyrights.<br><br>But, people are too lazy to bother looking (or care) that they are breaking the law and i do have to agree that is just wrong.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • So your suggesting we draw rather than use pictures online? If thats the case, no, not ANYONE can draw a pic on MS paint. Because, i fall under the category of "Cant even draw a straight line"
    <br><br>Well, if you can write your name you can draw. It doesn't have to be anything stunning. <br><br>I'm a firm believer in that if you can't draw it then you don't know what it looks like. You know what your signature looks like and can copy it down flawlessly. A drawing is like a signature it has form and shape. Eventually through practice you develop a consistant style to write just like you would to draw. Writing and drawing are both created through lines.<br><br><br>
    people who post pictures that show up on google image searches (or anything like that) are putting up there own risk.
    <br><br>Because people have urges that go uncontrolled others must pay?<br><br>There is no excuse for just grabbing pictures off the interent and utilizing them without permission.
  • i HATE Photomanipulations cuz there is talent in them....cuz anyone can trace pics...<br><br>like i spend amybe 30mins-4 hours on a pic...and someone is doing 20 in that times cuz they trace the pic...theres no talent there....just theft

  • <span style="font-size:75">What about Stock Photos?<br><br>Not all photos for Manips & Personal Pictures are stolen you know. <br>I cant do ether one to save me life but still some people can do Manips without breaking any laws. <br>And I agree with Nickelback when they stated Not eveyone can do MS Paint or even draw a perfect line let alone do it for VP. <br>So yeah I do agree dont just snatch any old photo of of a website but yes Stock Photo's an be used in creating Photomaniptations</span>
  • Stock Photos. It still isn't anyone else's other than the person who took the photo. All pictures have their own addresses. You can reference it that way.<br><br>Where in my argument did I say that all photomanipulations are stolen images?<br><br><br>Read my reply to the "I can't draw" excuse.
  • You can write your name, and still not be able to draw. I dont get where you are getting that from. *not trying to start a fight* but, some people just plain CANT draw, at ALL. I can do excellent photography, but sadly enough i only have 2 dog breeds living under my roof. There are people who simply cant draw a thing, I can draw a stick dog, but, thats it, and it looks like.. a very strange dog. <br><br>That, and i have horrible handwriting as well ^_^ lol, i just have no talent in that area at all. And im sure i'm not the ONLY one out there that cant draw a thing.<br><br>That, and as long as you have a reference to where you got the photo from, its not considered stealing. And, for everyones dog, it has the link to the photo for it. Technically, you ARE giving them credit for it.
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • o.0 <br><br>When WeisseEdelweiss says "A drawing is like a signature it has form and shape." I think she <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-size:75">-you are a she aren't you? XD Almost everyone seems to be.. X3-</span></span> means um...everyone has their own style or way of making it <span style="font-size:75">(it being art and writing)</span>? Or something like that.<br><br>I agree though, everyone can't draw. Let me not get started on my signature... it's horrible! XD But that doesn't mean they can't learn how to. =3 Or ask others to do it for then rather than stealing from people off of other sites <span style="font-size:75">(for those that do)</span>.<br><br>When she says "Eventually through practice you develop a consistant style to write just like you would to draw." I believe she means, practice makes perfect. XD The more you practice, the better you get at both.<br><br>And when she says, "Writing and drawing are both created through lines." I have no idea what she means. XD I think she's saying, "They are both ways of expressing yourself" XD <br><br><span style="font-size:59">Pfft!</span><span style="font-size:75">Why is it that people always think they can't draw? -.- I believe everyone can draw something. You might not be able to draw a dog.. but I bet you'd be able to make a <span style="font-style:italic"><span style="font-weight:bold">great </span></span>Basket ball or leaf or make some weird and cool design. X3 Everyone has some type of talent when it comes to the pen (I think) some just refuse to see it or don't experiment enough. =P Oo..and if you want to learn how to draw... amazingly... you can! ^_^ If you can't draw and want to, learn how. It takes work but it's worth it if you want it bad enough. X3</span><br><br>You know... if I saw a picture I'd made on a person's dog <span style="font-size:75">(whether drawn or photographed)</span> that I never gave out for the public to use... I'd be pissed. To me, it's still stealing, mainly when you cut up and then past the pictures on your banner or layout. I don't see the owners of the actual pictures credit on those...<br><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75">Yep...was in the writing mood again! XD</span></span></span>
  • You can write your name, and still not be able to draw. I dont get where you are getting that from. *not trying to start a fight* but, some people just plain CANT draw, at ALL. I can do excellent photography, but sadly enough i only have 2 dog breeds living under my roof. There are people who simply cant draw a thing, I can draw a stick dog, but, thats it, and it looks like.. a very strange dog. <br><br>That, and i have horrible handwriting as well ^_^ lol, i just have no talent in that area at all. And im sure i'm not the ONLY one out there that cant draw a thing.<br><br>That, and as long as you have a reference to where you got the photo from, its not considered stealing. And, for everyones dog, it has the link to the photo for it. Technically, you ARE giving them credit for it.
    <br><br><br><br>I just explained how writing and drawing are linked.
  • Actually you are allowed to use Corbis pictures... there is a page about it somewhere on the site... i'm not sure where though.
  • I'd like to see the actual text from the site that says that before any claims are made.
  • No, if you read in the Corbis Content License Agreement, it does state that you cannot copy anything off of it. <br><br>Most likely you're not going to be able to use any pictures online unless you e-mail someone asking them for permission. And most likely, they will want their name/something showing that its theirs, somewhere on the picture. I'm sure if you ask people on Deviantart/other art related site, they may grant you the rights to use their pictures/art under some circumstances. but this is also granted if they know you well enough :wink: I dont think you would want to ask a random person if you can use their pictures, unless you like them enough, they may appreciate you asking permission first.<br><br>And yes, i could get someone else to draw a picture for me, but no one on here draws very cheaply. And i do know one person in real life, but I'll have to ask her if she's willing to lend me her outlines, and i can always get someone on here to color them. ^_^<br><br>Me on the other hand, i dont have the time, nor do i have the patience to try to learn how to draw. I have tried to draw, i have always wanted to be able to draw, and it is just out of reach for some people. :? <br><br>Anyways... lol, yeah, i can go on with things like this forever, and sorry if i keep going against what all of you are saying. I dont like people just using pictures without permission, lol, I'm just not using my words to make it sound clearly like im taking your side :wink:
    All good things must come to an end. All endings will begin new good things.
  • Thank you for doing the research.
  • Hmrph...I kind of agree, kind of don't.<br><br>Art theft: When one claims to be the artist of a piece, when they are not.<br><br>Now, think about it this way. When people use pictures, it's not really claiming to be the artist, now is it? I mean, people use corbis all the time. On corbis, the photographers agree to let others use their pictures. It's like asking somebody on deviantart to color a line art. And anyway, when I find a great picture and email somebody asking to use it, 99.99% of the time they didn't respond. Over 70% of people playing VP get pictures off of Yahoo or Google, but it soesn't neccesarily mean that they're stealing the picture.<br><br>In other ways, I agree. People shouldn't be using photo's that are copyrighted, but hey. Everybody does it once and a while. Yet, I clearly don't get the point on why photographers would post their art up on a free-picture-site if they didn't want anybody to use it :roll:
  • Then perhaps it is vandalism as well.
  • I agree with you on that :wink:
  • Well see I'm against stealing photos.. but Im not sure if tracing them(unless its a drawing and not a picture of a dog or something) is stealing. Cuz that person did draw it.. he/she just used the pic as a ref. to the outline of the drawing.<br><br>And what about personal picture and banner making? People use pictures off google and yahoo to make them al the time.. but thats not saying that they made the picture or took the picture.. its saying they personalized it... So would that be stealing.. cuz it doesnt sound like it would.
  • Tracing is copying and referencing I'm not so sure about it's hard to say.<br><br>People on VP do take these pictures off of Google and Yahoo, alter them and claim them to be banners and personal pics that they made. It is stealing because the photos (9 times out of 10) are not theirs.
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