<span style="font-size:75">Please keep in mind to those who respond to this essay/writing (whatever you wish to call it)/editorial that this is an argumentative piece. This writing is recommended to people who want to fight and make claims that don't have facts to support it.</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">Photomanipulations or Art Theft?</span><br>By: WeisseEdelweiss<br>Kennel URL: <a href="
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=60704" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://www.virtualpups.com/index.php?r=kennel/view&id=60704</a><br><br> Looking around on VP one could notice that people advertise the sale of banners and creations called personal pictures (abbr. personal pics) while using photos taken from the internet to do so. Due to this practice bandwidth and photos are stolen from someone and it gives more work for Virtual Pups Staff.<br><br> Whether or not these images are copyrighted should not hinder the fact that they are pictures that have been stolen from their original creators. Most players do not ask permission for the use of these images and thus it is theft. One can look on the kennel pages of people who do this or on their dogs and will not find a note or acknowledgement of proper ownership.<br><br> Most of the players copy the images straight from the websites. I've heard of instances from players where game operators have had to remove images off of dogs and kennel pages because the code eats up the owner’s bandwidth. It can be assumed that this causes a disturbance with the owner of the Virtual Pups site or game operators. <br><br> What can be done? People can draw their own pictures. Seeing what one can do (whether other people like it or not) everyday can boost self-esteem and add a creative edge to the game experience. If that person is not satisfied with their own work they could pay an artist on Virtual Pups for an art piece.<br><br> Most of the time people put their e-mail on their websites. E-mail them for permission or reference that which has used even if one decides to crop or add text to the image. Submit your image on a proper site such as <a href="
http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://photobucket.com/</a> or <a href="
http://imageshack.us/" target="_blank" class="bb-url">
http://imageshack.us/</a>. <br><br> By practicing this we can eliminate grief of the photographers, artists, and Virtual Pups staff.<br><br><br>___________________________________________________________<br><br>If you have any other claims or counter arguments post them here.