1) brindle Italian Greyhounds - I know there are alot of unrealiztic colors fo rthe dogs in the game, but this one should be out lawed. I own an Italian greyhound and have worked with an Italian Greyhound breeder for 5 years. There is oly one color stricktly forbiden for greyhounds, pet and show quality alike, and that is brindle. So please, can we change the color or stop the breeding of them or something? ... Well even if not, I needed to say that.<br><br>2) There are all these odd breeds in the game, many of which are not even apart of the AKC or UKC... and yet, there is no American Staffordshire, the predecessor to the American Pitbull. Why? The Am Staff was the dog representing the USA in WWll not to mention many famous dogs were Am Staffs, including Petey from The Little Rascalls! So can we add American Staffordshires to the breeds avalible??

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Home of the first sloughi breeding program and multiple four star English coonhounds and sloughis.
Home of the first sloughi breeding program and multiple four star English coonhounds and sloughis.