<span style="font-style:italic">I believe this may have been suggested already...but I can't find the post if it has.Sorry if I'm repeating anyone's suggestion in typing this one out, please do direct me to the suggestion if you know where it is so I can bring it back up with my agreement to it. XD</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">My suggestion:</span><br><br>Maybe one day when there is time...the neutering of dogs would be allowed to all the dogs no matter the age? <br><br>I've just got a rescue...and I've rescued quite a few dogs that I'd have loved to release/retire but couldn't because they were stuck inbetween the ages of Neutering and Releasing... It would make me happy to just be able to neuter and release/retire dogs no matter what age they are.<br><br>Mybe being able to release it instead of retiring so the dog wouldn't show up in "Heaven" would be better though....<br><br>Just my little ol suggestion...
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.