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Oo! I have a Suggestion! (Neuter)

<span style="font-style:italic">I believe this may have been suggested already...but I can't find the post if it has.Sorry if I'm repeating anyone's suggestion in typing this one out, please do direct me to the suggestion if you know where it is so I can bring it back up with my agreement to it. XD</span><br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">My suggestion:</span><br><br>Maybe one day when there is time...the neutering of dogs would be allowed to all the dogs no matter the age? <br><br>I've just got a rescue...and I've rescued quite a few dogs that I'd have loved to release/retire but couldn't because they were stuck inbetween the ages of Neutering and Releasing... It would make me happy to just be able to neuter and release/retire dogs no matter what age they are.<br><br>Mybe being able to release it instead of retiring so the dog wouldn't show up in "Heaven" would be better though....<br><br>Just my little ol suggestion... :D


  • It is allowed now =]
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • :shock: <br><br>REALLY!? O.O <br><br>I could have sworn it wasn't when I last tried...let me go see.. XD<br><br>I HOPE it is! :D<br><br><span style="color:red"><span style="font-size:75">*EDITED*</span></span><br><br>Sorry to say...but it's not XD <br><br><a href=""; target="_blank" class="bb-url"></a>; <br><br>That dog along with another isn't able to be released/retired...
  • minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • I've read that already (which was why I was jumping for joy after I logged on). But thanks for showing it to me again. =3<br><br>Still doesn't change the fact I can't release/retire these dang dogs, MinneapolisTheNorthwest. XD <br><br>I'm going to have to learn how to take pictures like that one, of these days...then I'd be able to show you there was no option for the release/retirement of the dogs in my kennel I want gone.<br><br>Maybe the code hasn't be activated to allow it yet...I'll just have to wait then. =3
  • oh.<br><br>lol.<br><br><br>You press, the PRT SCM [Dash] SYSRQ<br><br>Its right to the right of 12 =]<br><br><br>Then, you just go to paint, and press PASTE.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • :shock: <br><br><span style="font-size:75">Even if I do sound stupid... I shall say this nontheless XD</span><br>You lost me at PRT, lmao <br><br>I'm not what most would consider a "Computer Smart" person. Exactly where is this PRT CSM thingy? XD
  • Its a button.<br><br><br>lmfao.<br><br>-shrugs-
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • Next to the F12 button on your keyboard.<br>Its says:<br><br>Print<br>Screen<br>_______<br>SysRq<br><br>Then, open Paint and hit Paste, and crop to the desired amount.
  • OH! O.O <br><br>Now I feel stupid. XD Thanks! <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>See, not able to release...<br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br>Or retire. <br><br>But like I said, maybe I need to just wait. =3
  • Nef only changed the neutering at any age, not releasing/retiring according to the notes.
  • no problem Koshi. :D <br>Adding on to what Squall said, Nef wrote:<br>"You can now neuter both genders at any age."<br>Nothing about releasing.<br>But, that does annoy me too.
  • Dang! That explains it then <span style="font-size:75">(how in the world did I mix neutering with releasing anyway?)</span> XD<br><br>My suggestion still stands then.
  • I like the suggestion. I have a rescue kennel and would love to release some dogsand can't because of their age.
  • <span style="font-size:75">You can't retire a dog while it's in a boarding kennel.<br>You have to retrieve it first.<br>I noticed that dog of yours was still in the boarding kennel...<br>...try taking it out before you mess with it.<br><br>Also, try aging it another week before you try retiring it.<br>I'm not sure what age dogs can be retired... I know it's around the 1 year mark... but. yeah. idk for sure =|<br><br><span style="font-weight:bold">EDIT</span><br><br>ohhh! wait.<br>I get what you're saying now.<br>Like... you're talking about not being able to release or retire dogs between the ages of 6 months & 1 year!<br><br>YAY! I finally got it ^^ <br>slowish-ness today<br><br>lol... I definitely know what you mean now.<br>I think dogs should be able to be released & retired at any age too!<br>Not just between 1-6 months then 1-however many more years the dogs lives =|<br><br>It doesn't make much sense to me why we can't release dogs after their 7th month or even retire them until they're 1 year =|<br><br>hmm.</span>
  • Yes! You got it. XD <br><br><span style="font-size:59">I'd perfer releasing them than retiering them...that way they don't show up on the counter or whatever. X3</span>
  • <span style="font-size:75">omg I know...<br>I would sooooo much rather release than retire too!<br>Before I put all my dogs up for private stud, I HATED when people would breed crappy dogs to my dogs... & do nothing but age the pups & then put them up for sale once they're too old to be released. I HATED IT!!! GAAAAAAH!!! You don't know how much I hated it -__-;; ...well, maybe you do... but it made me sooo mad!! >_< Plus, I would usually go & buy the pups just so I could retire them (before somebody else bought them, bred them, & made more crappy generations out of my dog)... but even when you retire, they're still in your dog's lines! >:O<br><br>lol.<br>yes I felt like venting.<br></span>
  • I can understand your rant, even if I rarely, if ever, let people use my dogs as studs. =3 What I hate, being a rescue, is when I rescue a horrid dog that's 6 months or whatever and I can't release it...I have to turn it to be able to retire it. A waste of my time, which is why I usually just return it neutered. I find so many like that...Most anying part about being a rescue. <br><br>But at least you see the point. Maybe they'll fix it sooner than later...
  • I have this problem too... I only adopt out dogs between ages 6-12 months because they are unreleaslable. But it adds up after a while...
  • Jazz wrote:
    I have this problem too... I only adopt out dogs between ages 6-12 months because they are unreleaslable. But it adds up after a while...
    <br><br>exactly what I do
  • Jazz wrote:
    I have this problem too... I only adopt out dogs between ages 6-12 months because they are unreleaslable. But it adds up after a while...
    <br><br>exactly what I do
    <br>It REALLY gets annoying after a while doesn't it? I have been slacking on my rescues and I am going through my rescue kennel right now releasing and retiring a ton of dogs... I have already made almost 100k...
  • Thanks (yes, I'm late) xD
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