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New layout suggestion

edited February 2005 in Game Suggestions
I think Virtual pups needs an easier flowing layout With <span style="color:darkblue">calm</span><span style="color:indigo"> colors</span>(brown white balck dark blue, purple, ect...). I know that might take long to complet but it would be worth it!<br><br><span style="color:darkred"><br>tips for the new layout:</span><br>-the colors of vp are okey but they are sorta <span style="color:cyan">bright </span>and dont match very good<br>-i noticed with websites people want to go to are organized vp is semi-organized but its sorta hard to understand.<br>-get a cute theam going maybe like paw prints, collars, newspaper, or something like that going.<br><br>xOXO Kae


  • I don't know some of us like it the way it is and wouldn't be able to 'stand' playing a game that looks 'cute'. There's plenty of other games that do.<br><br>There are a lot more pressing problems then just how VP looks that the game ops/Nef need to do first before they spend hours just playing around with colors to make it more 'appealing' to some people.<br><br>I don't think there's anything wrong with the way it is has a professional look to it that sets it apart from the other cutesy games (although some pages could use a spellchecker :lol: )
  • some sim games dont look cute but the are easier to navagte around it
  • I agree with WoS. The blue is a bit nauseating but I <span style="font-style:italic">definately</span> couldn't stand it if it was cutesy. There are much bigger problems to deal with at the moment than how the site looks. I think it's perfectly fine the way it is set up. Everything you need to know is located at the top of the page. I love how the events pages and entries are set up. I've played other games where you have to go to the individual animals page in order to enter them in events and that is a <span style="font-style:italic">royal</span> pain in the rear. If anything were to change I would suggest a color other than the weird blue. But I will <span style="font-style:italic">definately </span>put up with the weird blue over any other option like puppy prints or a chew-toy border.
  • When the bigger issues are resolved, I wouldn't mind having the option to change the colors of the layout, like you have on many sites.
    Home of the first sloughi breeding program and multiple four star English coonhounds and sloughis.
  • yes i agree to fix the bigger problems first, as I said before I am part of sim games that are organized with a theam but aren't 'cute'
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