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Alright! My Brain Can't Take It! Messaging! XD

edited August 2006 in Game Suggestions
<span style="font-weight:bold">Ahem! </span><br><br>I believe that Vp Needs to have a new messaging system thingy thing. I can't think up the name of the stupid thing…so let me explain it. XD <br><br>You know how you send a message to someone and then that person sends you a response? You know how you can view your previous response on the bottom? But how within the next few responses your first response and the ones after that are gone? (Wait...I'm confusing myself XD) <br><br>Let me see... what I'm trying to say<br>...<br><br>I suggest the messages you and your correspondent send to one another should all be able to be viewed below the little message box. XD <br><br>For instance, you can see EVERYTHING you and the other person has said to one another and not just the last thing that was recorded…or something like that. XD <br><br>My poor brain can't take it. XD I don't know how many times I've forgotten what in the world I'd typed to someone and responded with "What were we talking about?" Only to get an "I don't know." XD <br><br>This most definably may not be put on the list of "most important suggestions" but it's a suggestion nonetheless and it would most definably help my poor memory. =3<br><br>Alright, that's all I have to say <span style="font-size:75">(for now)</span>. XD<br><br>OO! If this is hard to understand, I'm sorry! XD I'm not good at explaining things to people...when it's not about training. :roll:


  • this would infact make it easy-er
    Willing to slave art for a sponcer upgrade.
  • Do you mean, like, Instant Messaging, like MSN kinda?
    "war cry" presas canarios, aryan molossus, and cao.
  • I like it, and understand it!!
  • Yay! I am understood (by some)! ^_^<br><br>Instant messaging? o.0 No XD <br><br>I did a little doodle of the new messaging system =3 <br><br><img src=""; alt=""; class="bb-image" /><br><br>Love my Chickenscratch! XD
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">You want chat history, I understand.<br>That'd be nice, but I could live without it.</span></span></span>
  • :shock: Chat History! <br><br>Why in the world couldn't "I" think of that?<br>Thanks Erica! XD <br><br>I've lived without it this long, I don't think I'd die if it wasn't added, but indeed it would be a nice feature for us short-term memory users (whoever that may be) if ever it was added. =3
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">XD *pats head* ... *patpats Koshi* 'tis okay :mrgreen:<br>I have a good memory so it wouldn't really affect me.<br>But I can see why you'd want it :]</span></span></span>
  • Erica wrote:
    <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">XD *pats head* ... *patpats Koshi* 'tis okay :mrgreen:<br>I have a good memory so it wouldn't really affect me.<br>But I can see why you'd want it :]</span></span></span>
    <br><br>lol I could live with or without it. I always delete messages people send me, (or just ignore them) no matter who it's from. Wouldn't affect me either, but it'd be a nice addition for someone who can't remember. ;)
  • XP<br><br>I just happen to be one of those people who gets lots of messages from various people (who I do want to talk to; not those random "Buy my dog" messages...wait...I do get those too!) and have a hard time keeping track of things. XD <br><br>Seems I'm the only one with a short-term memory.... Wait! O.O I forgot about that <span style="font-style:italic">Old Person</span> (She knows who she is)! XD Nope, I'm not the only one, I'm just the only one who'll admit it. =3
  • i like this some ones replyied to a message thanks for the help and i don't what i help them with be cause i delated there first message
  • I wouldn't die without it, but it would make things easier to keep track of. ^-^<br><br>What I want (as far as messages go) is for there to be a little number or something on the check mail icon when you have new messages...otherwise I never know until I happen to wander over there...*shrug* Again, can/will live without it, but it'd make things easier for Ahi. :P
  • Eh I dont think we need it. It would only slow the site down, and its not to had to hit the back button to look at previous messages
  • If you want to keep track of your messsage history, don't use the Main VP Messaging System, use the forum PM system.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • Yeah Mini, only thing thing is I get so many PMs everyday I can't save them all and I just have the delete all of them before I go to bed becasue my inbox and savebox will be full lol.<br><br><br>I would <span style="font-style:italic">love</span> this...Whenever I talk to someone and they delete my message its like, "Whaaat?", lmao. Horrible memory, I think Tasha rubbed off on me. :lol:
  • I love this idea, I'll talk to someone, then 3 months later they will msg me back trying to continue the converstaion and I get so lost. XD
  • I like the idea. It makes sense and would make things easier...especially for people like me :)

    My other forum name is Snicks, so you might see me on that.

    Postal Rank: 45
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