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edited July 2006 in Game Suggestions
There is a teeny problem for payments of sponser upgrades goodie dyes and stuff for the people of New Zealand.We have to pay $10 extra.Goodie Dyes are $19 for us.Sponser accounts are $30 for us.It's a bit unfair because everyone else gets theirs for less.I think something should be done.<br><br><br>If you are feelings generous enough to get a goodie dye for someone message me :lol:


  • yeah, but i bet a NZD [new zealand Dollar, if thats not the right abbrieviation] is worth less than a USD.<br>eg. Something that costs $2 for them costs you $3 , even if its the same item, from the saem shop, and neither iof you is spending more.<br><br>A sponsor for me is around £12, but that doesn't mean I'm getting it cheaper than anyone else.<br>Thats just the exchange rate
  • Exactly, its like Arctic said it just looks like more
  • I suppose but $30 for a sponser account is much for us.I just think it would be better if it is $20 for all places.
  • I believe that it is at a standard rate for everything. So all money is equal whether you pay in Yen, USD, Euros, etc. Therefore, with you paying $30 NZD (or whatever, I'm sorry I don't know the currency), is the same as Arctic paying £12, and the same as me paying $20 USD. Anyway, my point is that Nef has it set at a certain price and the only reason it seems like you're paying more is because of the exchange rates.
  • Sorry but I don't believe there is anything Nef can do about the exchange rate. She doesn't set that :). The cost of an upgrade is $19.95 US it's not her fault that Euros or NZD or any other countries money is not the same as US Dollars.
  • I think what people are trying to say is that $30 NZD, $20 USD, 12 pounds, or $25 CND is all the same amount of money ... Regardless of what you pay in your respective currency, Nef still gets $20 out of it. She is not getting extra money from people in New Zealand (or any other country) because once it is transferred to USD it equals $20.
  • See, it wouldn't be fair if it was 20 of the currency anywhere.<br><br>You'd be paying.. around $14 USD<br>If I payed £20 I'd be paying .. $35 USD or so<br><br>Exchange rates mean we all pay the same , in value, for a sponsor
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