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good idea?

edited August 2006 in Game Suggestions
I think novices and sponcer's should get this.<br><br>Once your network goes to lets say 1 mill you get like eithe a import some more money or somthing. Novice would ahve more thing to ahe if this works out. Mabe you can even give a free training froma kennel thats like main of VP.


  • Why would you get a prize for having lots of money? If you have a million VP dollars, could you not just go and purchase an import or a training or whatever? Why do you need a free one just for making money?
  • Personally, that idea is stupid.<br><br><br>Just because you have bunches of money, doesn't mean you should get rewards.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • I'm with deedee and Mini on this one...People work very hard for their money, and it should continue to be that way instead of just getting free cash.
  • im not sure if i like money idea but i do think thatpeople should have something to work for but then it dosnt need to be training imports or money due to that fact then how would you make money?
    ALWAYS willing to train for a goodie dye or a sponcer acount Conroy.png
  • No. This is a bad idea. I don't mean to be mean but because you have a million dollars (not much on VP anymore :roll: ) doesn't mean that you should get something free. I know several people who have over 50 mill. Would this mean they should get 50 prizes? Besides, most of those people are sponsors who have training kennels available (sometimes...), have imports at hand, and they have money. Plus if someone was given a free training from a main training kennel of Vp that person would basically be robbed of their money and time because someone made another million dollars.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">I'm pretty sure there's no "main training kennel of VP".<br><br>But I do agree with everyone else. Kinda ... not smart.<br>I'm just not gonna repeat it to beat a dead horse, lol.</span></span></span>
  • Maybe I am for the idea!<br><br>I have over 75 Mil, 75 Prizes for mini! w00t. lol<br><br>Just kidding.<br><br>I don't like the idea. xD
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • sorry i dont like the idea either on thsi game i find it really easy to get money i have be playing for exactly one month and i already have $131982 like that would just be to easy i think it is better f people have t work for tere money
    stephvan-Aussie and german shpherd owner-
  • Personally, that idea is stupid.<br><br><br>Just because you have bunches of money, doesn't mean you should get rewards.
    <br><br>Personally, I agree. Having lots of money is a reward.
  • Personally im a novice and this ( no offence) is a rather stupid idea...... sponsers pay 20$ REAL money ( 11 pounds if you live where i live) and they get 20 imports as a sorta reward....... and they can either sell them... or keep them as a way of saving money by not having to buy.....novices have a lot of access to lots of things, they shouldnt get rewarded for income as Nickelback_Fan said "Having lots of money is a reward". i leave it at that
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