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Transfering Fame Points

mabe on the contracts section we could have somthing that says 'send so-many fame points'? or even on the market place? because i know on one of my accounts i had 100 fame, and 80 on anouther, and i really needed to stat max my dog, but i wouldn't let me :( since i didn't have the available fame.<br> what does anyone else think?


  • Please? anyone????????????
  • I think that`s a great idea,it could help sponsors out alot.
    I own two lovable Boxers in RL!
  • As a sponsor, i am totally for it. it would help me a lot!
  • It would definitely be nice to transfer fame points between kennels.
  • No, I don't like it. Each sponsor should have no trouble getting fame points it needs to use in it's skills. Someone might actually have to make an effort to make the fame on the new sponsor :roll: It doesn't take long to get points up and there's no reason we need to transfer them.
  • LOVE IT! I have problems being annoyed with that as well....
    I love Horses, God, and friends!

  • I love the idea as well!
  • Jinxx wrote:
    Someone might actually have to make an effort to make the fame on the new sponsor :roll:
    <br><br>I disagree. As a sponser with 2 accounts, I could use some help getting fame up in my kennel. One of them is a regualr account and limited by it's turns. Being able to give some fame back and forth between the two would help.
    To the world you might just be one person, but to one person, you might just be the world.
  • Jinxx wrote:
    Someone might actually have to make an effort to make the fame on the new sponsor :roll:
    <br><br>I disagree. As a sponser with 2 accounts, I could use some help getting fame up in my kennel. One of them is a regualr account and limited by it's turns. Being able to give some fame back and forth between the two would help.
    <br><br>I'm the same way! So, I agree!
  • Jinxx wrote:
    Someone might actually have to make an effort to make the fame on the new sponsor :roll:
    <br><br>I disagree. As a sponser with 2 accounts, I could use some help getting fame up in my kennel. One of them is a regualr account and limited by it's turns. Being able to give some fame back and forth between the two would help.
    <br><br>I'm the same way! So, I agree!
    <br><br>You keep eventing dogs on that kennel to collect points and host events. I'm sorry, I'm a sponsor with 16 accounts and I never had trouble gaining points for skills.
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