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Crazy Idea?

edited June 2006 in Game Suggestions
Perhaps, but it strikes me as an okay one at the moment. XD<br><br>Alright, so I was just sitting around today and the thought struck me - business on breeding kennels can sometimes be a hassle. Like, say a breeding kennel posts on the BB saying breeding is open, then they wait for messages. But maybe they log off and go work on another of their kennels for awhile, come back, and the person who has messaged them has signed off...see where this game of tag can lead? (Especially if one or more of the parties isn't on very often.)<br><br>SO, my idea is something similar to the auction thing over on VHR, only with breeding. So, someone could visit a sponsor breeding kennel, click a button and an automated thing would pop up and they could pay a fee right then and there (previously determined by the kennel owner) and take their female back to their kennel - and somehow, maybe, the effects of the breeding kennel would last through that pregnancy only? (I realize that's probably way to complicated to code and whatnot, but I'm gonna continue anyway. :P) Then the owner of the dog could whelp the pups on their kennel and the breeder wouldn't be troubled with extra pups and whatnot and the process would be much quicker?<br><br>And maybe put limits on how many times a real day someone can use a breeding kennel or limits on how many times a kennel may be used before it is "turned" to refresh it?<br><br>I dunno, maybe I am crazy. XD


  • I like your idea, but I agree that it would be difficult to code.
  • or maybe all linked accounts could share one mailbox, so no matter which account you are on you will be able to receive the message about the breeding.
  • I'm not to fond of the idea that people could use my breeding account without my consent that way, because I refuse to breed people with unmaxed dogs and what not, but I do like the idea brooke had with a linked mailbox
  • Miroku wrote:
    I'm not to fond of the idea that people could use my breeding account without my consent that way, because I refuse to breed people with unmaxed dogs
    <br>Yea, that's something I think many people share. Perhaps the account owner could set parameters so if a dog doesn't fit into them, it can't be bred on the account?<br><br><br>But I like the linked mailbox thing...good idea. :)
  • I thought the effects of the breeding kennel were only if the pups were born in the kennel. If so, this idea would do nothing, because unless there was a massive change in the code (involving the place of breeding affecting the pup's stats) it wouldn't affect the pups.<br><br>I do like the linked mailbox thing.. I check my holding kennel messages once a month tops, and miss a lot of messages for a long time. :\
  • I'm not real fond of the breeding kennel idea; though it was very creative. But I really do like the suggestion for the linked mailboxes. It would be very useful and convenient.
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