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Another rescue kennel suggestion>>>

Dont know if this has already been posted or not and if so, I am truely sorry. I think that dogs in rescue kennels should have a thing where it says exactly how long the dogs have been in the rescue kennel. Like say you rescued one dog when you first got the account. Then no one adopts him for a month, then two months, then five. So he obviously is a dog that would be better off being released/retired. But by then you have gotten a hundred more dogs and can't remember which dog you wanted to retire. If we had this counter thing, it would be so much easier to tell which dogs no one wants and is time for them to go. I am experiancing this problem right now. If you think it's a good idea, let me know. I want your opinions!
Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo


  • I think this is a good idea. It would also give potential new owners an idea of how long the dog has been there. Maybe the longer the dog has been there might have an effect on people who are browsing through a rescue kennel. It would also give the rescue kennel an idea of which dogs should indeed be retired/released, as Rage stated.
  • Thank you simplicity. I also think we should be able to release puppies at any age. One of these dogs in my rescue kennel is about 3 months old and I can release it and its been in my kennel for at least four months now.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • I know you can release dogs until they are 5months old. After that, you have to wait until the dog is over 1year, at which point you can retire them. I'm not sure about being able to release them at any age, however. Maybe that would just be a special feature for Rescue Kennels?
  • I think so. Now that we have to pay and I have almost 200 rescue dogs alone to feed and they have been sitting there for a long time and since they don't age in rescue kennels there should be some way to release the puppies.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • So you guys actually turn your rescue kennel and feed your dogs and such? I am just curious because I have never turned my rescue kennel since I became one.
  • Never mind! I just took a turn and aparently rescues don't have to pay for the actual rescue dogs! I have other dogs in my main kennel, Zoe, not just in my rescue kennel. I have a variety of breeds and to train them yes I do have to take turns.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • I think you should be able to release dogs under 5 or so months that have been in events, its very annoying to get a horribly statted dog that you cant release because its been in 1 event
  • Well most puppies I know haven't been shown before, so I didn't know that could happen.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • As I said before, you <span style="font-style:italic">can</span> release dogs up to 5 months old. I think that's plenty of time. And, unfortunately, if you happen to get a rescue that no one wants, you just have to keep it. Or, on the other hand, if it's a full dog (not neutered) you can age him or her, then retire...but Neuter before retiring. That way, you get $500 off the dog and it wasn't a total waste.
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