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Maybe this is a good idea??

OK. I just had a random brain fart. You know how on male dogs there is a list this dog for stud? button? Well, maybe we should have a List theis dog for brood lease button on females. Or even a list this dog for eventing lease button. That way you could list your males for stud, but also have the option to lease them to the public for competing. Like say you look at someone's kennel. They have a stud. You look at the stud. Under where it says Send The Owner A message, there is a button that says Request An Eventing Lease For This Dog. And then the owner recieves a message that says something aong the lines of "Player <span style="text-decoration:underline">Insert Player Name Here</span> Has requested an eventing lease with your dog <span style="text-decoration:underline">insertdognamehere</span>. Then you could either click a button on that request thing that says "accept" or "decline". And you could also maybe have a fee listed next to the Request A Lease buton. This could also work with females but they have a request a brood lease and an eventing lease. Maybe a good idea maybe not. Just a random brain fart. Hey! That kinda rhymes...
Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo


  • Cool, thats a good idea....
  • Yeah i really love the idea!! ^-^
  • Oh! And another thing to add to it is that lets say you put your female for sale. It looks like its for bids. In the owners comments it says "Do NOT bid on this dog as she is NOT for sale. She is available for brood lease ONLY". People on Vp don't read anymore so they don't understand what the little bumps at the bottom of the page says. So they bid. Then if you are like me, you send them a polite-ish/annoyed little message about bidding on dogs that aren't for sale. If we had this button then this annoying thing that people do won't happen. And sometimes people keep bidding on the dog. Even after you asked them not to.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • Rage wrote:
    Oh! And another thing to add to it is that lets say you put your female for sale. It looks like its for bids. In the owners comments it says "Do NOT bid on this dog as she is NOT for sale. She is available for brood lease ONLY". People on Vp don't read anymore so they don't understand what the little bumps at the bottom of the page says. So they bid. Then if you are like me, you send them a polite-ish/annoyed little message about bidding on dogs that aren't for sale. If we had this button then this annoying thing that people do won't happen. And sometimes people keep bidding on the dog. Even after you asked them not to.
    <br><br>Yeah, that get's really annoying after a point. If there could be a button that hides the bid option, that'd be sweet. I get so tired of people bidding on dogs that I DONT want to sell. Period. x_x
  • I like this...I am always looking for poeple to use my matrons, but the only way to have them noticed is to put them for sale. Then I get bids for 10 bucks >.<
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