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edited April 2006 in Game Suggestions
People are going on about VP2, which I don't like the idea for because well simply put, VHR2 isn't as great as I thought it was going to be :D <br><br>Anyways, I was thinking<br><br>Why not Virtual Fish?<br><br>I know, what the heck can one do with fish? <br><br>Well breeding a tankful of standard sized, finned, and colored fish happens to be one of the largest struggles one can undergo in real life in terms of pets... espiecally if trying to create one's own strain and/or working from mere pet store fish.<br><br><br>So why not a game where one can experiment with fish genetics, particularly those of the common tropical fish varieties<br>guppy<br>molly<br>platy<br>goldfish/koi<br>tetras<br>danios<br>betta/siamese fighting fish<br>etc<br><br><br>That is, you begin with standard colors - "wild type" for every variety and from there you can breed to get a variety of different colorations... <br><br>The only thing is, is the fish must be cared for.... <br>fed<br>the tank cleaned<br>water cared for<br>dieases cured<br><br>As a means of improving the colors of the fish and thus proving which animals will have the best chances of producing offspring with unusual colors..<br><br>I'll explain this a little better later, but what do you think of the idea of a Virtual Fish game so far
BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune


  • There is a thing that is Virtual Fish, I have heard of it, never played it though because fish arn't my favorite animals in the world. :? :wink: <br><br>I will have to get the link to the site. *if I can find it*
    gone for good because of something -.-
  • Sarabeth wrote:
    There is a thing that is Virtual Fish, I have heard of it, never played it though because fish arn't my favorite animals in the world. :? :wink: <br><br>I will have to get the link to the site. *if I can find it*
    <br><br>I've heard of it too, but I've yet to see a site that can truly compare to the outline of Virtual Horses/Virtual Pups
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • I think YES!<br><br>But what about virtual critters, or virtual kitty, or virtual livestock??? Or virtual poultry!<br><br>I mean, I own a chicken, and she's really exciting! lol
  • I think YES!<br><br>But what about virtual critters, or virtual kitty, or virtual livestock??? Or virtual poultry!<br><br>I mean, I own a chicken, and she's really exciting! lol
    <br><br>they also have those too. They have VC i do beleive. :)
    gone for good because of something -.-
  • Lmfao. <br><br>I get the biggest kick out of how people realize things actually happen and immediately start suggesting more..<br><br>Example:<br>When orbis accepts new ops.. Everyone else goes to apply to be one. Does the thought cross your mind that.. "Hey, they just accepted some new volunteers.. Do they really need an avalanche of applications, so soon after filling those positions?" That's like waiting to apply for a job until after they take down the "help wanted" sign.<br><br>This is the same thing.<br>When orbis creates a brand new game, everyone suggests another game. VHR and VP take a lot of Nef's time.. and now she has a VHR2 to deal with. I'm, frankly, amazed that people think she has the time to make Virtual Fish. o.O;
  • Kiarei wrote:
    Lmfao. <br><br>I get the biggest kick out of how people realize things actually happen and immediately start suggesting more..<br><br>Example:<br>When orbis accepts new ops.. Everyone else goes to apply to be one. Does the thought cross you mind that.. "Hey, they just accepted some new volunteers.. Do they really need an avalanche of applications, so soon after filling those positions?" That's like waiting to apply for a job until after they take down the "help wanted" sign.<br><br>This is the same thing.<br>When orbis creates a brand new game, everyone suggests another game. VHR and VP take a lot of Nef's time.. and now she has a VHR2 to deal with. I'm, frankly, amazed that people think she has the time to make Virtual Fish. o.O;
    <br><br>i ttly agree with Kia on this :wink:
    gone for good because of something -.-
  • Also.. there's no "no" option in your poll. It's either "meh" "YES" or "No, I want a different game" What if you don't want another game at all?
  • Kiarei wrote:
    Also.. there's no "no" option in your poll. It's either "meh" "YES" or "No, I want a different game" What if you don't want another game at all?
    <br><br>True, I know... and I just realized it after the voting had begun and the poll couldn't be updated.<br><br><br>Anyways, as with new suggestions for a game... my point to this suggestion is why continually stick to the same two species/pets/animals for a game.... we have VHR/VHR Olypian, and VHR2..... As well as VP and a suggestion for a VP2<br><br>Why not, if Nef is going to create another game, turn her attention to something else
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • Because it requires much extra coding (because you're switching species), horses and dogs are very popular, and when you think about it, how many other animals have events like horses and dogs? Few to none. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any. Horses and dogs are intelligent and have the widest range of events.
  • Kiarei wrote:
    Because it requires much extra coding (because you're switching species), horses and dogs are very popular, and when you think about it, how many other animals have events like horses and dogs? Few to none. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any. Horses and dogs are intelligent and have the widest range of events.
    <br><br>Well if you wanted to base it off intelligence, one could say that Nef could create a Virtual Sea World.... Or how about a Virtual Parrot Realm... <br><br>As both sea animals such as dolphins, whales, and seals happen to be very intelligent...... in the same sense, so are some of the "parrot" birds be they capable of copying human speech and/or whistling a particular tune.<br><br><br>I can understand the coding, but over a period in time, wouldn't it simply become repetative and no one is going to be interested as its either horses or dogs?
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • RABBITS have their own events, I could've entered mine in one!
  • I also agree with Kia with all of her suggestions. >.<<br><br>Still, it takes alot of coding to make a site. And of course, ALOT of money.
    gone for good because of something -.-
  • I'd just be happy with VP, and if they get the bugs fixed, and add tons of stuff, then it'd be really cool! Just like a few things!
  • Nef may also stick to horses and dogs because that is what she is most interested in? I believe a game is better when the owner/creator has an interest in the subject.<br><br>I also agree with unforgotten, I like VP, and would rather see bugs fixed, and add-ons/updates to it rather than a whole new game.<br><br>a little off topic, I know fish breeding is generally difficult, but not with guppies! lol I had a male and 3 females for a science project and very soon had 100's of guppies lol
  • Oriyana wrote:
    little off topic, I know fish breeding is generally difficult, but not with guppies! lol I had a male and 3 females for a science project and very soon had 100's of guppies lol
    <br><br><br>Mollies breed like bunny rabbits! (Sence they give life birth :?) You can pretty much buy a guppy and mollies pregnant!<br><br>Breeding fish is acually extreamly easy, if you know a lot about the fish. Goldfish, Guppies, Mollies and Bettas are very easy to breed.<br><br><br>Back on topic :D<br><br>I'd love to see a Virtual Fish, only because I know a whole lot about almost every single fish there is. :D (Well, almost all the fish) But, as most people said, I'd like to see VP's bugs fixed before hang. Running Virtual Websites are a little work, and it does cost a lot of money. But after words, I wouldn't mind a VF!
  • So, if the fish are sick, you give em injections? LOL!
    Mail me if I win anything!WLDI's Domain!:
  • Oriyana wrote:
    little off topic, I know fish breeding is generally difficult, but not with guppies! lol I had a male and 3 females for a science project and very soon had 100's of guppies lol
    <br><br><br>Mollies breed like bunny rabbits! (Sence they give life birth :?) You can pretty much buy a guppy and mollies pregnant!<br><br>Breeding fish is acually extreamly easy, if you know a lot about the fish. Goldfish, Guppies, Mollies and Bettas are very easy to breed.<br><br><br>
    <br><br><br>Yeah breeding fish is easy.... <br><br>Breeding GOOD fish is the hard part... Ones that are actually going to win competitions, be approved by serious breeders, and earn more than 50 cents at the local pet shop<br><br><br>
    Loving It wrote:
    So, if the fish are sick, you give em injections? LOL!
    <br><br> :lol: No... you give them little pills.... :lol:
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • Can you pet the fish? :D
    Mail me if I win anything!WLDI's Domain!:
  • Loving_It wrote:
    Can you pet the fish? :D
    <br><br>Yeah... a Betta/Siamere fighting fish if you keep it in a wet net can be petted though it isn't advised as your hands may be dirty and/or covered in a soap that could be toxic...
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • I liekt his game, lol! How about instead of retiring it says 'Throw down the toilet'?
    Mail me if I win anything!WLDI's Domain!:
  • Loving_It wrote:
    I liekt his game, lol! How about instead of retiring it says 'Throw down the toilet'?
    <br><br>That would be perfect.... :lol:
    BREEDS: Anatolians, Alapaha BBBs, Royal Wolf, Mioritics, Hell Hounds, Chinooks, Hookaido Inus PB: Kyuubi no Kitsune
  • BrunDrake wrote:
    <br>Breeding GOOD fish is the hard part... Ones that are actually going to win competitions, be approved by serious breeders, and earn more than 50 cents at the local pet shop<br><br><br>
    Loving It wrote:
    So, if the fish are sick, you give em injections? LOL!
    <br><br> :lol: No... you give them little pills.... :lol:
    <br><br><br>lol Exacly. I've boughten 'show' Bettas for a very expensive price, and they just endded up having Ich, or other deadly sicknesses. Made me very angry. Gah, I hate Ich. I just lost a couple goldfish from it when I had boughten my newest one... never saw it coming.<br><br><br>And ya. You don't give fish injections. :lol: That'd be funny... anyways. :D Ya, there's pills, liquid, Salt (only use if you know what your doing!!!) and Aquarium Salt. But, no injections of what I know of!<br><br><br>As of 'Flush Down The Toilet'.... I love it. :lol: *Had to flush fish down this morning*
  • I want virtual kittens :D :D :D kittens
  • Awsome idea! I would definatly play VF...
  • I have heard of some Virtual Cats and Virtual Rodents before! XD<br><br>Also, i don't really see the point of having VP2 if we already have a really good VP!<br><br>...if we did have VF then (like on VP you train your dogs, VHR, you train them) would you train fish? Fish have a memory of 3 seconds.. lmao<br><br>Anyhoo - i voted yes for fish! XD
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