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edited March 2006 in Game Suggestions
Seeing as most novices dont understand the meaning of aggression in this game, perhaps another word would be more suited? Aggression does bring to mind 'mean' and whatnot... <br><br>I was thinking about it and 'drive' seems to be a good replacement, no? Drive is how intense a dog is about something. For example work, play, and prey drives. It makes sense, IMO, because herding dogs would still need low prey drive so they dont bite the animals, working dogs have high drive to complete the task at hand, etc.<br><br>If aggression doesnt get changed I think there should be at least emphasis in explaining that aggression is not always a bad thing.<br><br>What are your opinions on this?


  • Blerh..<br><br><br>This is like one of Nef's spelling mistakes.. it does not need to be hammered into the ground again and agian
  • Spelling mistakes are one thing but this is something that confuses players and effects the way the play the game.
  • so does labeling some of the Mastiff breeds in the group 'mastif'
  • I like that it's agression and not drive....and I would hate to see it turned into drive, because all dogs need 'drive' to compete, but sports like Schutzhund do take a certain level of agression. Not that it's a mean dog/going to eat people type agression, but the agression that it takes to protect their 'pack'. <br><br>There's lots of other things that need fixed, this is a very small thing that only bothers certain people.
  • Oh my gosh<br><br>Aggressive dogs are aggressive dogs!<br><br>This is <br>NOT<br>real life!<br><br>If someone wants aggressive dogs, let them have aggressive dogs! Regardless of what aggressive on here really means.....<br><br>If I were to start breeding aggressive dogs in real life, that is my choice, just like it is the person's choice to breed aggressive dogs on here!
  • Erm, Kochise, youre missing the whole point here. :? Many novices dont understand that aggression on here doesnt mean the dog is evil and going to attack you but is actually useful in certain events. If you want to breed for aggression or away from it, thats your decision, but the point is people are misunderstanding the definition of the term on VP. They could be maxxing aggression which is good for working dogs but instead they think its going to make their dog mean...<br><br>I suggest you know what someone else is talking about before you go on rampage because of a simple misunderstanding.<br><br><br>lol Krimes, I dont think its too hard to connect 'mastif' with 'mastiff'<br><br>...and goos point Squall in the first paragraph but as for your last comment, again, this is beyond bothersome, its effecting the way people play.<br><br>Honestly, I really would at least like to see aggression explained clearly in the help files so people can hopefully understand what this actually is.
  • I know what y ou are talking about.<br><br>My pointwas, if they do misunderstand it, maybe they should realize that it is their choice how they play, everyone else's choice on how they play. If they ask about aggressive dogs, just tell them the truth!
  • ermm you don't understand... there IS NO SUCH THING as a mastiff group in VP (and in rl too?). It was a nef boo boo.
  • Oh sorry Krimes did not know that... I assumed because you mentioned spelling mistakes before thats what you were talking about in that post. :oops: <br><br>Kochise, problem is that a lot of the time players dont ask questions and just assume or figure things out themselves. So aggression isnt thought of as its supposed to be, ya know.<br><br>True though, there are many other things that need to be fixed instead of this ...but in the future I would like to see a definition of aggression on VP.
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