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"Pit Bull" name change...

edited August 2006 in Game Suggestions
I really HATE how these dogs are called pit bulls. Thats <span style="font-style:italic">not</span> a breed, its a type of dog! The term "pit bull" refers to ASTs, SBTs, APBTs, and any other cur that has similar features. When capitalized it can be a nickname for the APBT, but its not the proper name...<br><br>The CORRECT name is <span style="font-weight:bold">American Pit Bull Terrier</span>, that is an actual breed. Id really really REALLY like this changed!<br><br>As a true APBT fancier, I personally cant stand this. Not trying to be rude but its the only breed on VP (at least that I know of) with an improper name.<br><br>How many of you feel the same?


  • Take a chill pill, the name isn't offensive to the breed, so she left out American, what's the difference between Pit Bull and American Pit Bull Terrier... Once people see pit bull they know exactly what it is.
  • Chill pill? Im sorry if I came across as rude, but thats not my intention at all. :wink: <br><br>And I already explained the difference; the pit bull isnt a breed, its a type, but the APBT is indeed a breed. I mean, the Newfoundland isnt recognized as Newfie and the American Staffordshire Terrier isnt listed as Staffordshire/Staffy/AmStaff/etc. so why should the APBT be listed incorrectly... :?: <br><br>To me, pit bulls are not worthy of breeding... usually fat, blue, mixed, and overdone curs! Typically seen in the UKC and AKC. The APBT, however, is a true breed. The original, game, loyal, tenacious, and loving American Pit Bull Terrier has stayed the same for hundreds of years and are AMAZING performance dogs. To compare them to pit bulls (AmStaffs, UKC pits, or mutts) is an insult to me. :( "Pit bull" is a very loose term and its used by the media so much. Of course, AmStaffs and other pit bulls dont get as much of a bad image as the APBT because of reasons like this: listing the APBT as just pit bull. :? <br><br>Just trying to get my point of view understood. Its very degrading for the APBT to be called pit bull IMO and dogmen's opinion as well. I asure you Im very level-headed about this so theres no need to think Im bashing the game or its creator(s) oir anything. :wink: I just would really appreciate it to be changed.
  • I <span style="font-style:italic">kind of</span> agree with the whole pit bull to american pit bull terrier thing however i simply <span style="font-weight:bold">MUST</span> say somthing about this!!: :x <br><br><br>
    Rebel912 wrote:
    To me, pit bulls are not worthy of breeding... usually fat, blue, mixed, and overdone curs!
    <br><br>I belive they have as much right to be bred as <span style="font-weight:bold">ANY</span> outher dog! VP or real life!<br><br>I volenteer at a local dog shelter, and foster some of the dogs there at my home until they can be re-homed. and you wouldn't <span style="font-weight:bold">BELIVE</span> how many <span style="font-style:italic">American pit bull terriers</span> come into the shelter!<br><br>they are a generally nice breed even though most i meet have been mistreated and put in illegal pit bull fights! so i am sorry if i come across rude but i <span style="font-weight:bold">REFUSE</span> to hear <span style="font-weight:bold">ANYTHING</span> bad about this breed as i love them so much and it breaks my heart when we have to put them down due to idiots who make them fight <span style="font-weight:bold">TO THE DEATH</span><br><br>I know i totaly lost it there but i love this breed so much!
  • I really HATE how these dogs are called pit bulls. Thats not a breed, its a type of dog! The term "pit bull" refers to ASTs, SBTs, APBTs, and any other cur that has similar features. When capitalized it can be a nickname for the APBT, but its not the proper name...
    <br><br><br>This is a valid and correct point and understand where your frustration comes from as i recently purchased an American Staffordshire terrier and feel the same way when people call her a pit bull and dont recognise the difference. However i think that in the purpose of the game its just a case of people not writing it properly as opposed to people not understanding the difference.
  • JaraLass, I have no idea what youre going off about.... :?: <br><br>Brooke, Im glad you agree but please dont bring up old posts. Thanks. :wink:
  • sorry Rebel, neither do i! i just sort of wandered off! lol :)
  • Rebel912 wrote:
    JaraLass, I have no idea what youre going off about.... :?: <br><br>Brooke, Im glad you agree but please dont bring up old posts. Thanks. :wink:
    <br><br>Rebel please stop telling other posters what to do. Thanks :wink: that is for the game ops to take care of.
  • Rebel is right. If you name the dog Pit Bull, you could be talking about 3 different breeds. We should have the name changed because of this.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • I agree, Pit Bull is different than American Pit Bull Terrier. If it isn't too hard I would like to see it fixed ^^
  • This is kind of an "on-the-fence" topic. After all, I would agree that American Pit Bull Terrier would be the correct name to put there; as it is the official name. Yet, when people see Pit Bull listed on the dog breed list, most are only thinking about one dog; the APBT.<br><br>Rebel, as for what JaraLass was talking about...the way you wrote that Pit Bulls should not be allowed to breed; it kind of made it sound like you were contradicting your own statement. The way you wrote it kind of made it sound as though the breed you love, you thought was unworthy to breed. Just made it a little confusing ;).<br><br>It's very easy for people to just see a dog and say "oh look a dog." Some people just do not have the same kind of interest as certain enthusiasts have. I'm not saying your enthusiasm for the breed is all means keep going! I'm just saying to take a patient stand on what you believe in. Not everyone is going to stop calling the APBT just the Pit Bull right away. They may never stop. But doing what you are doing is good; it makes people see that there really is a difference in what they see and say, and what might really be the case.<br><br>All I'm saying is that not all people say "Pit Bull" in a derogatory way. So, it's up to Nef. If she changes the name, yay. If she doesn't change it...people still know what the name means, even if it's not the official name of the breed.
  • I TOTTALLY AGREE WITH REBEL!!!!!!!! I breed train and show (novicely) <span style="font-style:italic">AMERICAN PITTBULL TERRIERS</span>, and when I advratise (sp) pups for sale, i alwasy say <span style="font-style:italic">AMERICAN PITTBULL TERRIERS</span> because this is the proper name and this breed deserves respect as does any other! It also makes the breed sound... like it doesn't deserve to even <span style="font-style:italic">be</span> on this game! Most dog sims don't have them on the game, and I know were lucky to have them, but still, they are the same as any other breed and deserve to be treated that way! Although they DO deserve to breed, many have great stats and tempermants and excell in many different things! :!: :!: :!: :evil:
    You can contact me at: or just pm me!
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">All the other dog SIMs I've been on/visited/played on have [if they have the APBT or Pit Bull at all] it as American Pit Bull Terrier.</span></span></span>
  • I think this is all just a big nit picking topic.
  • I do agree with Nitty that people will know exacly what it is when they see it, but American Pit Bull Terrier <span style="font-style:italic">is</span> the correct name & is very proper. It is the name for the breed that is registered in the American Kennel Club (AKC). It's just like when people call an Australian Shepherd an Aussie. & a Border Collie a BC.<br><br>When they see the name "Pit Bull" in the middle of it they should know what it is anyway. Also, they should later find that that must be the breed if there's no plain "Pit Bull". The breed is just too popular to be missed.
    Puppy For Sale and Import for Highest Bid
  • o.0 There's three kinds of Pit Bulls? Show me. (not being rude, just a bit curious)
  • American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier (also called Pit Bull), or American Bulldogs (called Pit Bull to the untrained eye).
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • It's a loose term used for Bully breeds like Am Staffs, APBTs and the like.
    Please, call me Rager or Rageypoo
  • Ok, I am a fellow American Pit Bull Terrier lover. I do hate it when people call them "pit bull". When people think of "pit bulls" they think of growling, foaming at the mouth, barking, fighting dogs. Not the loving, friendly, loyal APBT. APBTs are great dogs and I would love to see the name changed. <br><br>I think what Rebel was refering to earlier was, fat, blue, whatever dogs, they are common. Many "blue" APBTs are in fact APBT/AmStaff crosses. They aren't true APBTs.
  • Rage wrote:
    American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier (also called Pit Bull), or American Bulldogs (called Pit Bull to the untrained eye).
    <br><br>Actually, it is Stafforshire Bull Terrier, not American Bulldog..... but, it is a term used loosely for all bully breeds.
  • ok, by using the anitials(sp?)for pit bulls you are also changing their names.instead of saying AMPT you should also say the full name or else dont expect us to stop saying pitbull.i personally like pi tbulls and i dont think of them as killers but as a misunderstood breed.their are some that will kill humans but and large enough dog can kill a human.even a small dog can inflict serious damage.i do think pit bulls have been unfairly given a bad reputation but just because some people think of them as killers doesnt mean all do.pit bulls hold my respect as do all dog breeds.all dogs should be respected yes, but jjust because people say pit bull instead of the whole name doesnt mean they disrespect the breed by any means
  • Rage wrote:
    American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier (also called Pit Bull), or American Bulldogs (called Pit Bull to the untrained eye).
    <br>there 3 different breeds arnt they ? :? not a pit bull <br><br>and im not going to try and start any thing but its a name <br>American Pit Bull Terrier <br>Pit Bull <br>everybody still knows the breed <br><br>and even breeders call them Pit Bulls in real life <br>its not a mean name <br>and i think that if your saying that you like of a mean foaming from the mouth dog then its your own problem beacuse know one else has that picture with the breeds name on here :wink: <br><br>if anything i would say American Pit Bull Terrier a meaner name sound it
    ALWAYS willing to train for a goodie dye or a sponcer acount Conroy.png
  • Old topic, but sorry. I had to comment on this. :evil: <br><br>
    Rebel912 wrote:
    To me, pit bulls are not worthy of breeding... usually fat, blue, mixed, and overdone curs!
    <br><br><br>I feel that a pit...sorry :roll: <span style="font-style:italic"> American Pit Bull Terrier </span> has the same right as any other dog to be bred. One of my friends in real life has 3 Pit Bulls and none of them are fat, blue, mixed, overdone curs! They're the most loving dogs I've ever been around.<br><br>Just because some people have given these dogs a bad name by training them to fight does <span style="font-weight:bold"> NOT</span> mean that every type of this breed is useless.
    To the world you might just be one person, but to one person, you might just be the world.
  • <br>
    Rebel912 wrote:
    To me, pit bulls are not worthy of breeding... usually fat, blue, mixed, and overdone curs!
    <br><br><br>I feel that a pit...sorry :roll: <span style="font-style:italic"> American Pit Bull Terrier </span> has the same right as any other dog to be bred. One of my friends in real life has 3 Pit Bulls and none of them are fat, blue, mixed, overdone curs! They're the most loving dogs I've ever been around.<br><br>Just because some people have given these dogs a bad name by training them to fight does <span style="font-weight:bold"> NOT</span> mean that every type of this breed is useless.
    <br><br>I really think he meant, "pit bulls" as the general term.... not the American Pit Bull Terrier.
  • It doesn't matter if you change their name.<br><br><br>Pit Bulls are Pit Bulls. Their name isn't affecting their stats.
    minmap-1.jpg 2007_07Slushies1Mini1.gif
    Parker, Boz, Gabby, Asher and Loko are cooler then you.
  • i agree with everyone whos agreeing with me.its just a name.get over it.pit bulls are pit bulls.and when im older i might be a dog breeder and if i am then i think pit bulls would be an interesting breed to start off with.i love any breed of dog and would gladly take in any wounded, hurt, dying, or homeless dog and give it the love and respect and attentiong it deserves regardless of breed or rep
  • Rebel912 wrote:
    To me, pit bulls are not worthy of breeding... usually fat, blue, mixed, and overdone curs!
    I think she was referring to was the ones that had been crossed with mastiffs and stuff. >> << Those are 'pit bulls' because they aren't pure APBT.
  • Kazuko wrote:
    Rebel912 wrote:
    To me, pit bulls are not worthy of breeding... usually fat, blue, mixed, and overdone curs!
    I think she was referring to was the ones that had been crossed with mastiffs and stuff. >> << Those are 'pit bulls' because they aren't pure APBT.
    <br><br>Exactly! That is what I was saying! No one else seems to understand.
  • This is an old thread. Just drop it :)
  • TaraRayne wrote:
    This is an old thread. Just drop it :)
    We still haven't settled it yet. So, are they going to change it <span style="text-decoration:underline">like it should</span>, or not?
    Puppy For Sale and Import for Highest Bid
  • <span style="font-weight:bold"><span style="font-size:75"><span style="color:darkred">-holds down a laugh-<br><br>Tara said drop it, she's the op, drop the topic.<br><br>Nit picking topic anyway.</span></span></span>
This discussion has been closed.